Transsmart Help
Search Transsmart Help
- Removal of support e-mail address
- Call Transsmart customer service
- How to submit a request to Customer Service
- Status page link
- Support process
- Consultancy process
- Manual nShift Insurance
- FAQs nShift Insurance
- FAQ: which fields are relevant for the insurance booking process?
- FAQ: what is the claims flow with Cover Genius?
- FAQ: which insurance and tax percentages are used to calculate the premium?
SmartTrack: Create your own track-and-trace emails
- Maximize email deliverability by using SPF and DKIM
- Setting up SmartTrack | 1. Create template groups
- Setting up SmartTrack | 2. Configure the template
- Setting up SmartTrack | 3. Sending conditions
- What must be provided to create a Track & Trace email?
Trackbox: Create your own track-and-trace page
SmartScan: Create your own scansheet
Book parcelshop shipments
Configure your own transport rates/tariffs with self-service
View reporting through JasperReports
Download Teamviewer
Check if notification mail has been sent
Solve error messages
- TS11: Receiver country code is incorrect: XX
- [Zipcode does not meet minimum length requirements.] / [TS12: The recipient's ZIP code is incorrect, please check.]
- [originalCarrier: "TS13: There is no carrier selected for this shipment. Please make sure this is according to the Transsmart carriercode."]
- [TS15: Invalid service level time code [value] for carrier [carriercode]]
- TS16: Invalid service level other code [value SL other] for carrier [value carrier]
Solve print issues on labels and documents
- Downloading a label from the portal
- SmartPrint: Cannot find printer with name 'Default'
- SmartPrint: FAQ's
- SmartPrint: I'm running SmartPrint as a Windows Service. Why are my default printer settings not taking effect?
- SmartPrint: Error Resolving timed out after 7111 milliseconds (or similar)
Solve BPO error messages
- BPO B1: The house number addition value [XXX] for the [RECV] address can not be longer than 8 characters
- BPO B1: The house number addition value [XXX] for the [INVC] address can not be longer than 8 characters
- BPO B1: The house number value [XXX] for the [INVC] address can not be longer than 8 characters
Solve DHL error messages
Solve ABM error messages
Solve DAC error messages
Solve DPD error messages
- Shipment submit failure: Shipment booking failed. Internal service call failed. Bad Request: An internal server error occurred, - I/O error: Read timed out; nested exception is Read timed out
- DPA carriercode mandatory shipment data for non-EU shipment bookings
- DPD B1 : Error Code(414) : No results left after service code filtering during route lookup
- DPD B1 : Error Code(404) : Product B2C (Home) is not valid to country XX
Solve PNL error messages
Solve GLS error messages
- GLB B1: an exception occurred: nl.copernicus.niklas.module....
- GLS socket error response received: :E013:...
- GLB B1: an exception occurred: nl.copernicus.niklas.module.includes...
- GLB B1: an exception occurred: nl.copernicus.niklas.module.includes...
- GLS B1 The combined length of the street1 and house number fields...
Solve TNT error messages
Know if you need to update the SSL certificate
Dutiable shipments
General information
SmartPrint installation
MyTranssmart manuals
- Embedded return form
- Streamed Statuses
- MyTranssmart environments
- Book + Print functionality
- Booking a shipment via New Shipment
MyTranssmart | Manage Account
- SSO (Single Sign-On) in MyTranssmart
- Change log page in MyTranssmart
- MyTranssmart Quick Configuration Guide
- Configure default booking profiles
- Add default packages
Subaccount structure
Transsmart Carrier list
Transsmart Generic Online (TGO) / Transsmart Generic Manifesting (TGM)
- Necessities connection DHL Express
- Necessities connection DHL Parcel Connect
- Necessities connection DHL Parcel (SVT)
- DHL Express Shipment Information Restrictions
- SVT Shipment Information Restrictions