You can use this environment to effectively book your shipments with your carriers. All functionalities of Transsmart can be used in this environment.
User Acceptance
You can use this environment for testing. This environment is an exact copy of the production environment, all functionalities of Transsmart are available here. The bookings you enter are not forwarded to the carriers. As a result, you will not see any progress in the transport process and no status feedback from the carrier.
If everything is working properly and according to your wishes, we receive your agreement and the environment is transferred to the production environment.
This environment is used to test new functionalities before this will be deployed to our acceptance and production environment. If there is a new change that is developed especially for you, if you're in a BETA program or maybe you want to see the new MyTranssmart functionalities before it goes to production; you can check it on our BETA environment.