In the later months of 2024, UPS will no longer allow customers to connect to their old webservices platform. Within Transsmart this connection is the one that is used when carriercode UPS is booked. All bookings on carriercode UPS will therefore end in a booking error from that day onwards.
The only way to book UPS shipments from that moment on is through the new carriercode UPA. On top of that, your UPA configuration needs to have a special authentication method called OAUTH configured.
Please follow the attached manual to create the required parameters on your own UPS portal.
The Client ID and Client Secret parameters need to be configured in your Transsmart account before booking will be possible. Please send them to us through a new ticket made from on helpcenter so we can get these configured for you..
Take extra care to make sure you configure the correct Apps in the UPS portal. Not doing so will result in a booking error later on ([ERROR]: Ups error: 250002 with description: Invalid Authentication Information.. Please correct the booking and try again or contact your service desk.).
Transsmart cannot create these credentials for you, nor can we adjust your settings within the UPS portal. This is something only you can do, and if there are any issues there only your UPS contact person/servicedesk can assist you to solve it.