To realize the arrangement, a few details are needed from you.
Contract data:
- What is your carrier account number? (6 characters)
- Is this a new account? If yes, can you inform us about the exact company name and address information which are known by UPS.
- Is this an existing account? If yes, could you send us the latest invoice from the UPS services?
Above mentioned data is needed to activate your account on the UPS portal, so we are allowed to make bookings on your behalf.
The arrangement:
Of which service levels time would you like to make use? The most regular services are:
Code Description:
- STANDARD: Delivery within EU for less urgent shipments
- SAVER: Delivery within EU next day before 6pm
- EXPRESS: Delivery next day within EU
- EXPEDITED: Delivery on required date (less urgent)
- PLUS: Delivery next morning before 9am within EU
Following additional service level can be booked in combination with the service level time, can you inform us if you would like to make use of it?
Code Description:
- COD: cash on delivery shipment