Account information:
This information can be requested from your PostNL account manager, so we can configure the connection on our carriercode PNA:
- Customer number/account number
- Customer code
- BLS/location code (number of sorting center)
- APIKEY (please provide this in plain text, not in screenshot format). Possibly you have a separate production (live) and sandbox (test) API key. Transsmart has generic testing credentials meaning the sandbox one is not needed.
- Global pack customer code (when wanting Global Pack services)
- at least 1 automatic manifesting time on/around which PostNL usually comes to collect shipments from your warehouse. We have to configure this so the shipments get manifested/confirmed to PNA right after that moment. Not doing so will result in surcharges from the carrier.
- For some return services. a separate return customer code can be needed (only your PostNL accoun manager can verify this for you).
- For some exotic services to ship to non-EU destinations, a separate non-EU customer code can be needed (only your PostNL accoun manager can verify this for you).
In regards to the APIKEY; this will be set by your account manager of PostNL on your ApiManager on PostNL's portal. Unfortunately we are not allowed to request this data at PostNL.
We always need to receive a list of which PostNL services you want to start using. These are usually in a 4-digit format. For more information and advice on product codes you can contact your PostNL account manager.