This article is aimed at the "Owners" of an nShift Ship (Consignor) installation and will explain how to share Action Center access with other admins.
Each nShift Ship Installation has an Owner profile with access to Portal where they can manage Actions Centers, create other users, and more (Read more about user profiles). As an Owner, you will have access to any Action Centers created on your installation. Other users on your installation only have access to Actions Centers created by themselves unless you grant access.
- Go to nShift Portal and log in with your Owner profile.
- Go to Action Center in the top menu and choose the relevant Action Center from the drop-down list.
- When the relevant Action Center has loaded, click Settings > Users.
- The checked users on the list have access to the selected Action Center. By default, this will be the Owner and the user who created the Action Center. Check any additional users who should have access and click Save.
- Next time the users who were granted access log in to nShift Portal, they will see the additional Action Center in the drop-down list.