Today, Wednesday 18-Jan-2023, in the Accept environment of Jasper Reports, we have added the following fields to report "A09 MyTranssmart Package Report":
- VATno Sender
- EORI Sender
- VATno Receiver
- EORI Receiver
- Name Invoicee
- Street1 Invoicee
- Street2 Invoicee
- Street3 Invoicee
- Zipcode Invoicee
- City Invoicee
- Country Invoicee
- HouseNo Invoicee
- State Invoicee
- Contactperson Invoicee
- Telephone Invoicee
- Email Invoicee
- VATno Invoicee
- EORI Invoicee
- Payment Terms
- Language
The deployment to Production will be done at Monday 23-Jan-2023.
1 comment
Today, Monday 23-Jan-2023, we have deployed the updated report to the Production environment of Jasper Reports.