Upload CSV files to Webshipper from Navision, API, FTP, or exactly how you like it.
*Requires a Windows installation! Not available for MAC or LINUX.
*Follow this guide if you have downloaded and installed the latest version of the importer tool from after the 24th of September 2020.
1. Setting up the CSV configuration
2. Installing the CSV importer tool
5. Loading files from an FTP-server (optional)
6. Setting up the optional order file (optional)
7. Export data from Webshipper (optional)
1. Setting up the CSV configuration
So to get started with the CSV importer tool the first thing that is required is that you set up a CSV configuration inside Webshipper. See how here
2. Installing the CSV importer tool
2.1 When you have set the CSV configuration in Webshipper, then download the importer tool from the following link: DOWNLOAD CSV IMPORTER TOOL
2.2 Extract the zip file in any folder and open up the file Webshipper-CSV-Settings.exe
You will be met with the following screen:

3. Filling in the details
Start by setting up the 1. Connection section.
- Tenant name is the account name you use to login to Webshipper with at tenantname.webshipper.io
- The API-key can be created in your Webshipper account. Go to Settings > Access and Tokens and add a new key with full access.
The next step is to fill out the 2. Directory Settings.
- Choose the type of CSV import you are about to make, order or shipment.
- Type in your CSV configuration id. You can get this from the URL when you navigate to the CSV configuration on the Webshipper platform.
- The URL will look something like "https://accountname.webshipper.io/settings/csv/mapping/1" where 1 id the id in this case.
- Choose an import directory, which serves as the directory from where Webshipper should load your CSV files.
- The backup directory is where the CSV file will be moved to after it has been handled by Webshipper.
- Click the add button to add this import setting. You can add multiple import settings by completing the above steps again and click add again.
- You can always remove a configuration by selecting it in the list and pressing the remove button.
- Finish by setting the encoding of your CSV files.
4. Installing the CSV service
- You may need to right-click the programs in your folder, select Properties, and remove the blockage set as default by Windows. Once done the program should be able to run without any issues.
- Next, open CMD(Command prompt) with administrative privileges in the start menu.
- Locate your .NET installation and cd to the install path of Webshipper, as stated in the example below:
a) cd C:\(WebshipperCSVService path here) + press enter
b) C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil Webshipper-CSV-Service.exe + press enter - Start the service as you normally would.
Congratulations you are all done and the importer tool is now installed.
This is everything that is needed to automatically import CSV files from a local directory to Webshipper. If you need to load files from an FTP server, please continue reading.
5. Loading files from an FTP server (optional)
When loading files from an FTP server, sections 1 and 2 need to be completed. Please read point 3 above on how to do this.
Fill out the Hostname, Port, Username, and Password of your FTP server.
When loading from an FTP, the file flow is as follows:
- Webshipper load the CSV file from the "FTP Path" and move it to the chosen "Import directory" in section 2.
- Webshipper load the CSV file from the "Import directory" and move it to the "Backup directory" if chosen.
- If a "Backup path" is chosen in the FTP-client section, it will also move it to this directory on the FTP server.
6. Export orders (optional)
If you are using the CSV tool
Start by taking a look at the Order entity in our API documentation: https://docs.webshipper.io/#orders
You can use this data and the attribute names, to freely format your returned csv file.
visible_ref;delivery_address.att_contact inserted into "Order file format", should return a new file with the order number and delivery address contact, of your newly created orders.

Remember to tick the "Enable" checkbox to activate this.
7. Export shipments (optional)
The same way a new order csv file can be created, we can also create a shipment file, when a new shipment is created in Webshipper.
This service is looking at new shipments in Webshipper every 5 min and then creates a new CSV file, for every shipment it finds.
You can format this shipment file, the same way that you format the order file.
"reference;tracking_links.number" should return a file with the reference number on the shipment, as well as a list of tracking numbers.

Remember to tick the "Enable" checkbox to activate this.
8. How to uninstall the service
Should you need to uninstall the service, follow this
1. Open Command Prompt (CMD) as admin
2 then write this copy this:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil Webshipper-CSV-Service.exe /u