Today 31-Oct-2022 we have deployed below changes and fixes to our Production environment.
General note: because it’s possible that users are working in the MyTranssmart dashboard at the moment of the deployment, it is recommended that users log off the dashboard, press Ctrl + F5 to reload the current browser page including the browser cache and log in again.
New landing page
In the new landing page, the date range selection for the statistics is now adjusted to the same filter possibilities as the Shipment overview page. By default the start date can be 62 days back as earliest possible start date.
Note: the date range for the statistics is the creation date of the shipments. The date range in the Shipment overview page filter is the pickup date. Be aware of this difference. -
In some cases it could occur that the Carrier donut on the new landing page was showing the same carrier code more than once. This is solved now.
User management
- After logging in with a newly created user, the shipment overview page was not showing any columns. The workaround was to click on the edit pencil and click button ‘Set to default’ but we have decided to not wait with this fix until the next release (15-Nov-2022). So it’s fixed now (1-Nov-2022)
Changes in location select / PUDO (PickUp DropOff) points
We have migrated the location select connection from the Transsmart platform to the new nShift PUDO platform for the following carriers:
GLE (GLS Europe)
GNA (GLS Netherlands API) (note: GLS is phased out per 1-Nov-2022 and replaced by GNA)
DDM (DHL Deutschland Manifesting)
SEM (DHL Paket - phased out connection per 1-Nov-2022)
DGM (DHL Global Mail - already phased out connection)
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Today 1-Nov-2022 we have deployed 2 more changes and fixes to our Production environment. Please check the release notes above: a fix in user management and improvements in our pudo/location select service.