Shipment Data Object
The complete list of keys which may appear on the Shipment Data Object can be found here:
How to construct the Shipment Object
Depending on the Shipment or Carrier different fields are needed:
Recommended way is to create the shipment first in Ticket and use the Developer tool to inspect the Shipment Object:
Alternatively, you can also construct it yourself using some of the following keys:
{ "OrderNo": "STRING", "PickupDt": "2022-11-30T00:00:00", "ProdConceptID": "INT", "Addresses": [ AddressObject ], "References": [ ShipmentReferenceKind ],
"Amounts": [ AmountObject ], "Messages": [ MessageObject ], "Lines": [ LineObject ], "DangerousGoods": [ DangerousGoodsObject ], "DetailGroups": [ DetaiGroupObject ],
"Services": [ AddOnsIds ] }
- OrderNo - String
- PickupDt - ISO Date
- ProdConceptID - the id of a service / product
- Addresses - see the section about the AddressObject
- References - see the section about the ShipmentReferenceKind
- Amounts - see the section about the
- Messages - see the section about the
- Lines - see the section about the LineObject
- DangerousGoods - see the section about the
- DetailGroups - see the section about the DetaiGroupObject
Not all fields are mandatory on all address types
The Kind is what defines the type of address:
Example of a receiver address
"Kind": 1,
"Name1": "Test Receiver Name1",
"Street1": "Test Road 1",
"PostCode": "0580",
"City": "Oslo",
"Phone": "12341234",
"Mobile": "12341234",
"Email": "",
"Attention": "Test Attention",
"CountryCode": "NO"
Example of a sender address
"Kind": 2,
"Name1": "Test Receiver Name1",
"Street1": "Test Road 1",
"PostCode": "0580",
"City": "Oslo",
"Phone": "12341234",
"Mobile": "12341234",
"Email": "",
"Attention": "Test Attention",
"CountryCode": "NO"
Example of a droppoint address
"Kind": 10,
"CustNo": 0000000,
"Street1": "Test Road 1",
"PostCode": "0580",
"City": "Oslo",
"CountryCode": "NO"
Not all fields are mandatory depends on the Carrier
"Number": 1, // number of labels to create on the goodsline
"PkgWeight": 10000, // in gram
"Height": 100, // in mm
"Length": 100, // in mm
"Width": 100, // in mm
"GoodsTypeKey1": "CLL", // the key of the goodstype
"References": [ LineReferenceKind ]
LineReferenceObject |
Not all fields are mandatory depends on the Carrier
{ "Kind": 23, "Value": "Content" },
{ "Kind": 24, "Value": "Marking" },
{ "Kind": 129, "Value": "Custom 1" },
{ "Kind": 225, "Value": "Custom 10" }
ShipmentReferenceObject |
Not all fields are mandatory depends on the Carrier
{ "Kind": 9, "Value": "2022-02-20" },
{ "Kind": 63, "Value": "test" },
{ "Kind": 64, "Value": "test" },
{ "Kind": 108, "Value": "2022-02-21T00:00:00" },
{ "Kind": 109, "Value": "2022-02-22T04:00:00" },
{ "Kind": 110, "Value": "2022-02-23T00:00:00" },
{ "Kind": 111, "Value": "2022-02-24T00:00:00" }
DetailGroupObject |
Not all Groups are mandatory depends on the Carrier
Example UPS
"DetailGroups": [
{ CustomsArticleInfoObject },
{ CustomsInfoObject }
Example Fedex
"DetailGroups": [
{ CustomsArticleInfoObject },
{ CustomsInfoObject },
{ FedExCustomsInformationObject }
Example DHL
"DetailGroups": [
{ CustomsArticleInfoObject },
{ CustomsInfoObject },
{ DHLFilingObject }
CustomsArticleInfoObject |
Not all Detail Kinds are mandatory depends on the Carrier Rows: []
Details: []
"GroupID": 1, // Article Info
"Rows": [{
"LineNo": 1, // Link To Line 1
"Details": [
{ "KindID": 5, "Value": "1" },
{ "KindID": 8, "Value": "KG"},
{ "KindID": 7, "Value": "Item 1" }
{ "KindID": 4, "Value": "DK" },
{ "KindID": 2, "Value": "100,00" },
{ "KindID": 1, "Value": "123456" },
{ "KindID": 18, "Value": "123456" },
{ "KindID": 17, "Value": "DKK" },
{ "KindID": 10, "Value": "100,00" },
{ "KindID": 9, "Value": "10,00" }
}, {
"LineNo": 1,
"Details": [
{ "KindID": 5, "Value": "1" },
{ "KindID": 8, "Value": "KG"},
{ "KindID": 7, "Value": "Item 2" },
{ "KindID": 4, "Value": "DK" },
{ "KindID": 2, "Value": "120,00" },
{ "KindID": 1, "Value": "123456" },
{ "KindID": 18, "Value": "123456" },
{ "KindID": 17, "Value": "DKK" },
{ "KindID": 10, "Value": "120,00" },
{ "KindID": 9, "Value": "12,00" }
}, {
"LineNo": 2,
"Details": [
{ "KindID": 5, "Value": "1" },
{ "KindID": 8, "Value": "KG" },
{ "KindID": 7, "Value": "Some other Item" },
{ "KindID": 4, "Value": "DK" },
{ "KindID": 2, "Value": "100,00" },
{ "KindID": 1, "Value": "123456" },
{ "KindID": 18, "Value": "123456" },
{ "KindID": 17, "Value": "DKK" },
{ "KindID": 10, "Value": "100,00" },
{ "KindID": 9, "Value": "5,00" }
CustomsInfoObject |
Not all Detail Kinds are mandatory depends on the Carrier |
FedExCustomsInformationObject |
Not all Detail Kinds are mandatory depends on the Carrier |
DHLFilingObject |
Not all Detail Kinds are mandatory depends on the Carrier |
OrderDataObject |
Not all Detail Kinds are mandatory depends on the Carrier |
Shipment Data Object | Top level keys
ShpCSID:int | The unique ID of the shipment in Shipment Server. Not used in request. |
ShpESID:int | Database ID. Not needed in request. |
InstallationID:string | The unique ID of Shipment Server installation. Not mandatory |
PhysicalInstallationID:string | ID in database. Not needed in the request. |
Kind:enum | ShipmentKind |
ShpNo:string | Shipment Number |
OverrideShpNo:string (0/1) | When the shipment number (SSCC / EAN) is defined in ShpNo. |
OrderNo:string | Order Number |
PickupDt:string | Pickup Date |
LabelPrintDt:datetime | Timestamp of the moment when the label was printed. Not used in request. |
TransmitDt:datetime | Timestamp of the moment when the shipment was transmitted. Not used in request. |
ImportDt:datetime | Timestamp of the moment when the shipment was Imported. Not used in request. |
ExpireDt:datetime | Timestamp of the moment when the shipment expires. |
SubmitDt:datetime | Timestamp of the moment when the shipment was submitted. Not used in request. |
Weight:int | Not used in request |
DimensionalWeight:int | Not used in request |
Height:int | Not used in request |
Length:int | Not used in request |
Width:int | Not used in request |
ActorCSID:int | The actor under which the shipment is saved |
StackCSID:int | Stack Id for the stack to place the shipment in |
BatchCSID:int | Not used in request |
BatchDate:int | Not used in request |
ComebackParentCSID:int | The ShpCSID of the comeback shipment. Not used in the request. |
GroupParentCSID:int | Not used in request |
BulksplitMainCSID:int | Not used in request |
Temperature:enum | ShipmentTemperature Not used in the request. |
CarriagePayer:enum | CarriagePayer Not used in the request. |
CarrierConceptID:int | Not used in request |
SubcarrierConceptID:int | Not used in request |
ProdConceptID:int | The uniq id for a carriers product, this would be the same across all Consignor applications. |
ProdCSID:int | Database Id for a product, used for custom carriers as they do not have ProdConceptID. |
Loadmeter:int | Not used in request |
Barcode1:string | Not used in request |
Barcode2:string | Not used in request |
OriginPostcode:string | Not used in request |
OriginTerminal:string | Not used in request |
PickupTerminal:string | Picked from the server if not defined in request. |
AgentNo:string | Picked from the server if not defined in request. |
PayerAccountAtCarrier:string | Picked from the server if not defined in request. |
SenderAccountAtCarrier:string | Picked from the server if not defined in request. |
SenderAccountAtBank:string | Picked from the server if not defined in request. |
InsuranceGroup:int | Not used in request |
ReturnPackaging:int | Not used in request |
LabelsCount:int | Not used in request |
FreightBillsCount:int | Not used in request |
Services:[int] | |
Addresses:[Address_Object] | Address |
Lines:[Line_Object] | Goods Lines |
References:[Reference_Object] | Reference |
ShpConnections:[] | ShpConnection Not used in request. |
DetailGroups:[DetailGroup_Object] | DetailGroup |
Amounts:[Amount_Object] | Amount |
Messages:[Message_Object] | Message |
DangerousGoods:[Dangerous_Object] | DangerousGoods |
CSEvents:[] | CSEvent Not used in request. |
Labels:[] | Label Not used in request. |
Address Object | Included in the Addresses array in the Shipment object
Kind:enum | AddressKind |
Name1:string | |
Name2:string | |
Street1:string | |
Street2:string | |
State:string | |
PostCode:string | |
City:string | |
POBox:string | |
POPostCode:string | |
POCity:string | |
Phone:string | |
Mobile:string | |
Email:string | |
Attention:string | |
CustNo:string | |
Fax:string | |
CountryCode:string | ISO 3166 country code, 2 letters (DK, NO, etc.) |
Province:string | |
ERPRef:string | |
OpeningHours:string | |
VATNo:string | |
VOECNumber:string |
Line Object | Included in the Lines array in the Shipment object
Number:int | Number of packages (see implementation section ) |
LineWeight:int | (gram) |
PkgsWeight:int | Package Weight (gram) |
Height:int | (mm) |
Length:int | (mm) |
Width:int | (mm) |
LineVol:int | (mm3) |
PkgVol:int | Package Volume (mm3) |
Loadmeter:int | (mm) |
GoodsTypeID:int | |
GoodsTypeName:string | |
GoodsTypeKey1:string | |
GoodsTypeKey2:string | |
RecycleCount:int | |
RecycleTypeID:int | |
RecycleTypeName:string | |
LineUnits:[] | LineUnit |
Pkgs:[] | Package |
References:[Line_Reference_Object] | Reference |
LineUnit | Included in the LineUnits array in the Line object.
Name:string | |
KindID:enum | |
Count:int | |
Weight:int | |
Vol:int | Volume |
Package Object |
Reference | Included in the References arrays in the Shipment object and the Lines object
Kind: enum | ReferenceKind |
Value: string |
ShpConnection | included in the ShpConnections array in the Shipment object
Kind: enum | ShipmentConnectionKind |
ChildCSID: int |
Detail | included in the Details array in the Row and DetailGroup objects)
KindID: enum | DetailKind |
Value: string |
Row | Included in the Rows array in the DetailGroup object
Details: [] | Detail |
DetailGroup | Included in the DetailGroups array in the Shipment object
GroupID: enum | DetailGroupKind |
Rows: [] | Row |
Details: [] | Detail |
Amount | Included in the Amounts array in the Shipment object
Kind: enum | ShipmentAmountKind |
CurrencyCode: string | |
Value: int |
Message | Included in the Messages array in the Shipment object
Kind: enum | ShipmentMessageKind |
Text: string |
DangerousGoods | Included in the DangerousGoods array in the Shipment object
AdditionalHandlingInformation: string | |
ADRtankSpecialProvisions: string | |
ADRtankTankCode: string | |
ArticleNo: string | Mandatory in DG Office |
ArticleName: string | |
AutoSummarizeMass: string | |
Class: enum | DGClass |
Classification: string | |
ClassName: string | |
Count: int | Mandatory in DG Office |
DeclarantName: string | Mandatory in DG Office |
Description: string | |
DGMId: string | |
EMSNo: string | |
EMSProc: string | |
ExceptedQuantities: string | |
FlashPoint: string | |
GoodsLineID: int | |
GoodsLineNo: int | |
GrossWeight: int | |
IdentificationNo: string | |
ItemGrossWeight: bigint | |
ItemNetWeight: bigint | |
Kind: enum | DGKind |
KindName: string | |
KitAmount: int | |
Labels: string | |
LimitedQuantities: string | |
LQCount: int | Limited Quantity count |
LQGrossWeight: int | Limited Quantity weight |
MarinePollutant: enum | DGMarinePollutant |
MfagNo: string | |
MixedPackingProvision: string | |
Name: string | |
NameRoad: string | |
NameSea: string | |
NEQ: decimal | |
NetWeight: int | |
NOS: string | |
OuterPackingAmount: int | Used in DG Office |
OuterPackingBundleID: int | Used in DG Office |
OuterPackingType: string | Used in DG Office |
OuterPackingTypeID: string | Used in DG Office |
PackingGroup: enum | DGPackingGroup |
PackingGroupName: string | |
PackingInstructions: string | |
PackingTypeID: int | |
PackingTypeKey: string | |
PackingTypeName: string | |
PageNo: string | |
Point: enum | |
PortTankBulkContInstructions: string | |
PortTankBulkContSpecialProvisions: string | |
SecondaryClasses: string | |
ShipperReference: string | |
ShortName: string | |
SpecialPackingProvision: string | |
SpecialProvisions: string | |
SpecialProvisionsBulk: string | |
SpecialProvisionsHandling: string | |
SpecialProvisionsOperation: string | |
SpecialProvisionsPackages: string | |
StowingCategory: string | |
SubsidiaryRisk: string | |
TARE: int | |
TotalGross: int | |
TransportCategory: string | |
TransportInTank: string | |
TransportMode: string | Mandatory in DG Office |
TransportModeName: string | |
UN: int | |
UnitOfMeasure: string | |
UnitOfMeasureName: string | |
Vehicle: string | |
Vol: int |
CSEvent | Included in the CSEvents array in the Shipment object)
Kind: enum | ConsignorEventKind |
Date: string | |
User: string |
Label | Included in the Labels array in the Shipment object
Type: string |
12 (EPL - EPL label) |
Content: string | The content of the label, encoded as Base64 |
AddressKind |
0: int | eSakUnknown |
1: int | eSakReceiver |
2: int | eSakSender |
3: int | eSakPickUp |
4: int | eSakPayer |
5: int | eSakBuyer |
6: int | eSakTemporary |
7: int | eSakMessage |
8: int | eSakForwarder |
9: int | eSakReturnTo |
10: int | eSakDropPoint |
11: int | eSakDepot |
12: int | eSakComeback |
13: int | eSakBroker |
14: int | eSakDelivery |
15: int | eSakSortTo |
16: int | eSakImport |
ShipmentKind |
0 :int | eSkUnknown |
1: int | eSkNormal |
2: int | eSkComeback |
3: int | eSkGroup |
ReferenceKind |
0 | eSrkUnknown | |
2 | eSrkCodReference | |
4 | eSrkJobNumber | |
5 | eSrkProjectName | |
6 | eSrkReceiverAccountAtSender | |
7 | eSrkReceiverReference | |
9 | eSrkWantedDeliveryTime | |
10 | eSrkRequiredDeliveryTime | |
11 | eSrkReceiverAccountAtCarrier | |
12 | eSrkSenderReference | |
14 | eSrkOver | |
16 | eSrkBookingReference | |
18 | eSrkInsuranceCategory | |
19 | eSrkInsurancePolicyNumber | |
20 | eSrkDeliveryConditions | |
21 | eSrkDeliveryInstructions | |
23 | eSrkContents | Lines - References |
24 | eSrkMarking | Lines - References |
25 | eSrkGoodsKind | |
27 | eSrkAttention | |
29 | eSrkKID | |
30 | eSrkInsuranceContent | |
31 | eSrkInsuranceSenderEmail | |
32 | eSrkOrderNumberAdditional | |
33 | eSrkCrossDockingID | This is the RECEIVERs cross docking ID |
34 | eSrkRoutingCode | |
35 | eSrkDPDService | |
36 | eSrkDPDOSort | |
37 | eSrkDPDDSort | |
38 | eSrkDPDLot | |
39 | eSrkDPDServiceMark | |
40 | eSrkDPDServiceInfo | |
41 | eSrkDPDVersion | |
42 | eSrkDPDDDepot | |
43 | eSrkDPDBarCode | |
44 | eSrkDPDDestinationText | |
45 | eSrkDPDServiceCountryZIP | |
46 | eSrkProductSpecialName | |
47 | eSrkProductSpecialLogo | |
48 | eSrkProductFeatures | |
49 | eSrkLabelVersion | |
50 | eSrkDHLCMRText | |
51 | eSrkCodeLabel | |
52 | eSrkPackageWeightLogo | |
53 | eSrkImportPrinterKey | |
54 | eSrkCODAcountType | |
55 | eSrkCODAccountIsOCR | |
56 | eSrkRoutingCode2 | |
57 | eSrkServiceCode | |
58 | eSrkPayerCode | |
59 | eSrkCODCode | |
60 | eSrkPaymentReference | |
61 | eSrkActorAlias | |
62 | eSrkCarrierCode | |
63 | eSrkCustomField1 | |
64 | eSrkCustomField2 | |
65 | eSrkCustomField3 | |
66 | eSrkCustomField4 | |
67 | eSrkCustomField5 | |
68 | eSrkCustomField6 | |
69 | eSrkCustomField7 | |
70 | eSrkCustomField8 | |
71 | eSrkCustomField9 | |
72 | eSrkCustomField10 | |
73 | eSrkPayerAgentNo | |
74 | eSrkListOfContentsNo | |
75 | eSrkServiceInformation | |
76 | eSrkRoutingCode3 | |
77 | eSrkAirportCodeSender | |
78 | eSrkAirportCodeReceiver | |
79 | eSrkSenderPalletAccount | |
80 | eSrkReceiverPalletAccount | |
81 | eSrkInvoiceCustomsCode | |
82 | eSrkCODAccountIBAN | |
83 | eSrkCODAccountBIC | |
84 | eSrkCustomField11 | |
85 | eSrkCustomField12 | |
86 | eSrkCustomField13 | |
87 | eSrkCustomField14 | |
88 | eSrkCustomField15 | |
89 | eSrkCustomField16 | |
90 | eSrkCustomField17 | |
91 | eSrkCustomField18 | |
92 | eSrkCustomField19 | |
93 | eSrkCustomField20 | |
94 | eSrkInternal1 | Internal - should never go to export/import/gui |
95 | eSrkInternal2 | Internal - should never go to export/import/gui |
98 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific1 | |
99 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific2 | |
100 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific3 | |
101 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific4 | |
102 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific5 | |
103 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific1 | Lines - References |
104 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific2 | Lines - References |
105 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific3 | Lines- References |
106 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific4 | Lines - References |
107 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific5 | Lines- References |
108 | eSrkPickupStartDatetime | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD |
109 | eSrkPickupEndDatetime | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD |
110 | eSrkDeliveryStartDatetime | |
111 | eSrkDeliveryEndDatetime | |
112 | eSrkRoutingTableID1 | |
113 | eSrkRoutingTableID2 | |
114 | eSrkRoutingTableID3 | |
115 | eSrkRoutingCode4 | |
116 | eSrkRoutingCode5 | |
117 | eSrkRoutingCode6 | |
118 | eSrkRoutingCode7 | |
119 | eSrkRoutingCode8 | |
120 | eSrkRoutingTableID4 | |
121 | eSrkRoutingTableID5 | |
122 | eSrkRoutingTableID6 | |
123 | eSrkRoutingTableID7 | |
124 | eSrkRoutingTableID8 | |
125 | eSrkLoadedFromWebERP | |
126 | eSrkSchenkerSEOnly_UccEan128_FNC1 | |
127 | eSrkCarrierSpecificBlob | |
128 | eSrkAdditionalReceiverReference | |
129 | eSrkCustomLineField1 | Lines - References |
130 | eSrkCustomLineField2 | Lines - References |
131 | eSrkCustomLineField3 | Lines - References |
132 | eSrkCustomLineField4 | Lines - References |
133 | eSrkCustomLineField5 | Lines - References |
134 | eSrkSelectedReference | |
135 | eSrkBulksplitShipmentNumber | |
136 | eSrkErrorLabelData | |
137 | eSrkCheckoutDeskId | |
138 | eSrkThirdPartyInsurancePremium | |
139 | eSrkThirdPartyInsuranceContents | |
140 | eSrkThirdPartyInsuranceEmail | |
141 | eSrkThirdPartyInsuranceTermsAccepted | Internal - should never go to export/import/gui |
142 | eSrkThirdPartyInsuranceStatus | Internal - should never go to export/import/gui |
143 | eSrkESIID | |
144 | eSrkProductFeaturesV2 | |
145 | eSrkFactoryDefinedReference | |
146 | eSrkShipmentKey | |
147 | eSrkTrackingUrl | |
148 | esrkDocumentUrl | |
149 | esrkShipmentBookingNumber | |
150 | eSrkShipmentBookingAlternativeService | |
151 | eSrkLQCountSum | |
152 | eSrkLQGrossWeight Sum | |
153 | eSrkLineLQCountSum | |
154 | eSrkLine LQGrossWeightSum | |
155 | eSrkLineEDIfragtGLId | |
156 | eSrkDropPointDepot | |
157 | eSrkDropPointRoutingCode | |
158 | eSrkCustomPackageCount | |
159 | eSrkCustomPackageNumber | |
160 | eSrkHiddenCustomField1 | |
161 | eSrkHiddenCustomField2 | |
162 | eSrkHiddenCustomField3 | |
163 | eSrkHiddenCustomField4 | |
164 | eSrkShipmentHiddenCarrierSpecificReference1 | |
165 | eSrkShipmentHiddenCarrierSpecificReference2 | |
156 | eSrkShipmentHiddenCarrierSpecificReference3 | |
167 | eSrkShipmentHiddenCarrierSpecificReference4 | |
168 | eSrkPrivateCustomField1 | |
169 | eSrkPrivateCustomField2 | |
170 | eSrkPrivateCustomField3 | |
171 | eSrkPrivateCustomField4 | |
172 | eSrkShipmentPrivateCarrierSpecificReference1 | |
173 | eSrkShipmentPrivateCarrierSpecificReference2 | |
174 | eSrkShipmentPrivateCarrierSpecificReference3 | |
175 | eSrkShipmentPrivateCarrierSpecificReference4 | |
176 | eSrkCustomField21 | |
177 | eSrkCustomField22 | |
178 | eSrkCustomField23 | |
179 | eSrkCustomField24 | |
180 | eSrkCustomField25 | |
181 | eSrkCustomField26 | |
182 | eSrkCustomField27 | |
183 | eSrkCustomField28 | |
184 | eSrkCustomField29 | |
185 | eSrkCustomField30 | |
186 | eSrkCustomField31 | |
187 | eSrkCustomField32 | |
188 | eSrkCustomField33 | |
189 | eSrkCustomField34 | |
190 | eSrkCustomField35 | |
191 | eSrkCustomField36 | |
192 | eSrkCustomField37 | |
193 | eSrkCustomField38 | |
194 | eSrkCustomField39 | |
195 | eSrkCustomField40 | |
196 | eSrkCustomField41 | |
197 | eSrkCustomField42 | |
198 | eSrkCustomField43 | |
199 | eSrkCustomField44 | |
200 | eSrkCustomField45 | |
201 | eSrkCustomField46 | |
202 | eSrkCustomField47 | |
203 | eSrkCustomField48 | |
204 | eSrkCustomField49 | |
205 | eSrkCustomField50 | |
206 | eSrkCustomField51 | |
207 | eSrkCustomField52 | |
208 | eSrkCustomField53 | |
209 | eSrkCustomField54 | |
210 | eSrkCustomField55 | |
211 | eSrkCustomField56 | |
212 | eSrkCustomField57 | |
213 | eSrkCustomField58 | |
214 | eSrkCustomField59 | |
215 | eSrkCustomField60 | |
216 | eSrkImportedPickupTerminal | |
217 | eSrkCompletionAcrossProductsOriginId | |
218 | eSrkCompletionOriginId |
Internal, contains the completed shipment id, stored on the lines on completion references list |
219 | eSrkLineShipmentBooked | |
220 | eSrkPortalNumber | |
221 | eSrkCustomLineField6 | Lines - References |
222 | eSrkCustomLineField7 | Lines - References |
223 | eSrkCustomLineField8 | Lines - References |
224 | eSrkCustomLineField9 | Lines - References |
225 | eSrkCustomLineField10 | Lines - References |
226 | eSrkCustomLineField11 | Lines - References |
227 | eSrkCustomLineField12 | Lines - References |
228 | eSrkCustomLineField13 | Lines - References |
229 | eSrkCustomLineField14 | Lines - References |
230 | eSrkCustomLineField15 | Lines - References |
231 | eSrkCustomLineField16 | Lines - References |
232 | eSrkCustomLineField17 | Lines - References |
233 | eSrkCustomLineField18 | Lines - References |
234 | eSrkCustomLineField19 | Lines - References |
235 | eSrkCustomLineField20 | Lines - References |
236 | eSrkMailbackSent | |
237 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment6 | |
238 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment7 | |
239 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment8 | |
240 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment9 | |
241 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment10 | |
242 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment11 | |
243 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment12 | |
244 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment13 | |
245 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment14 | |
246 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment15 | |
247 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment16 | |
248 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment17 | |
249 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment18 | |
250 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment19 | |
251 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment20 | |
252 | eSrkPackageBookingReferenceNumber | |
253 | eSrkBookingClosed | |
254 | eSrkLeadShipmentNumber | |
255 | eSrkLeadShipmentChildsCount | |
256 | eSrkShipAdvisorReference | |
257 | eSrkAdditionalImportPrinterKey | |
258 | eSrkExportFolder | |
259 | eSrkCarrierAccountAuthorizationNumber | |
260 | eSrkLeadPackageNumber | |
261 | eSrkLeadChildProductId | |
262 | eSrkRoutingCode9 | |
263 | eSrkRoutingCode10 | |
264 | eSrkRoutingCode11 | |
265 | eSrkRoutingCode12 | |
266 | eSrkRoutingCode13 | |
267 | eSrkRoutingCode14 | |
268 | eSrkRoutingCode15 | |
269 | eSrkRoutingCode16 | |
270 | eSrkRoutingCode17 | |
271 | eSrkRoutingCode18 | |
272 | eSrkRoutingCode19 | |
273 | eSrkRoutingCode20 | |
274 | eSrkExportFtpProfile | |
275 | eSrkLeadPackageCount | |
276 | eSrkPrebookingEmailSenderAddress | |
277 | eSrkPrebookingEmailSenderName | |
278 | eSrkPrebookingEmailSubject | |
279 | eSrkPortalBarcode1 | |
280 | eSrkPortalBarcode2 | |
281 | eSrkCSRServiceLevel | |
282 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific1 | |
283 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific2 | |
284 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific3 | |
285 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific4 | |
286 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific5 | |
287 | eSrkLayoutLabelShowThousandSeparator | |
288 | eSrkLayoutLabelThousandSeparator | |
289 | eSrkLayoutLabelDecimalSeparator | |
290 | eSrkPortalCustomPriceCalculationDetails | |
291 | eSrk4PLProduct | |
292 | eSrkCarrierEtaEarliestArrivalDateTime | |
293 | eSrkCarrierEtaLatestArrivalDateTime | |
294 | eSrkCarrierEtaDeliverySlaDuration | |
295 | eSrkCarrierEtaDeliverySlaDeliveryHours | |
296 | eSrkCarrierEtaPickupCutOffDateTime | |
297 | eSrkPOD | |
298 | eSrkLeadGroupId | |
299 | eSrkOnGoingERP | |
300 | eSrkLoadedFromERP | |
301 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific6 | |
302 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific7 | |
303 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific8 | |
304 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific9 | |
305 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific10 | |
306 | eSrkCarrierEtaServiceId | |
307 | eSrkUsingPreAdvise | |
308 | eSrkCustomerPromiseDate | |
309 | eSrkCarrierAccountField5 | |
310 | eSrkCarrierAccountField6 | |
311 | eSrkCarrierAccountField7 | |
312 | eSrkCarrierAccountField8 | |
313 | eSrkCarrierAccountField9 | |
314 | eSrkDoorAccessCode | |
315 | eSrkDPDO-Phone | |
316 | eSrkDPDD-Phone | |
317 | eSrkPortalOrphanInstallations | |
326 | eSrkPackagePIN | |
327 | eSrkPickupCode | |
328 | eSrkPriceEstimateID | |
329 | eSrkCarrierEtaStartIso | |
330 | eSrkCarrierEtaEndIso | |
331 | eSrkTODConditionCODE | |
332 | eSrkDPDSSort | |
333 | eSrkDPDNetworkCode | |
334 | eSrkDPDDestinationBusinessUnit | |
335 | eSrkDPDDestinationText2 | |
336 | eSrkDPDBarCode2 | |
337 | eSrkPersonalCustomerNumber | |
338 | eSrkRefBookingDate | |
339 | eSrkIncotermsLocation | |
340 | eSrkQRCodeLink | |
341 | eSrkDTPIORAccount | |
342 | eSrkBirthDate | |
343 | eSrkProofOfIdentity | |
344 | eSrkPalletSpaces | |
345 | eSrkLineShipmentPrebooked | |
346 | eSrkPackageShipmentPrebooked | |
347 | eSrkIOSSNumber | |
348 | eSrkMinimumTemperature | |
349 | eSrkMaximumTemperature | |
350 | eSrkLineCODReference | |
351 | eSrkCostCenter | |
352 | eSrkIDExpiryDate | |
353 | eSrkIDNumber | |
354 | eSrkNotificationShip | |
355 | eSrkNotificationException | |
356 | eSrkNotificationDelivery | |
357 | eSrkNotificationReturn | |
358 | eSrkNotificationInTransit |
ShipmentAmountKind |
0 | eSamkUnknown |
1 | eSamkPrice1 |
2 | eSamkPrice2 |
3 | eSamkPrice3 |
4 | eSamkInsuranceValue |
5 | eSamkCodAmount |
6 | eSamkCarrierSpecifiedPrice |
7 | eSamkCarrierSpecifiedCodAmount |
8 | eSamkInsuranceAmountPerPackage |
9 | eSamkFixedPrice |
10 | eSamkInvoiceAmount |
11 | eSamkCodAmountOriginal |
12 | eSamkThirdPartyInsurance |
ShipmentMessageKind |
0 | eSmkUnknown |
1 | eSmkDriver |
2 | eSmkCarrier |
3 | eSmkReceiver |
CarriagePayer |
ID | Name |
0 | eCpUnknown |
1 | eCpSender |
2 | eCpReceiver |
3 | eCpOther |
ShipmentTemperature |
ID | Name |
0 | eStUnknown |
1 | eStNormal |
2 | eStHeat |
3 | eStCool |
DGClass |
ID | Name |
0 | eDgCUnknown |
1 | eDgC_1 |
2 | eDgC_2 |
3 | eDgC_2_1 |
4 | eDgC_3 |
5 | eDgC_4_1 |
6 | eDgC_4_2 |
7 | eDgC_4_3 |
8 | eDgC_5_1 |
9 | eDgC_5_2 |
10 | eDgC_6_1 |
11 | eDgC_6_2 |
12 | eDgC_7 |
13 | eDgC_8 |
14 | eDgC_9 |
14 | eDgC_9 |
14 | eDgC_9 |
15 | eDgC_1_1A |
16 | eDgC_1_1B |
17 | eDgC_1_1C |
18 | eDgC_1_1D |
19 | eDgC_1_1E |
20 | eDgC_1_1F |
21 | eDgC_1_1G |
22 | eDgC_1_1J |
23 | eDgC_1_1L |
24 | eDgC_1_2B |
25 | eDgC_1_2C |
26 | eDgC_1_2D |
27 | eDgC_1_2E |
28 | eDgC_1_2F |
29 | eDgC_1_2G |
30 | eDgC_1_2H |
31 | eDgC_1_2J |
32 | eDgC_1_2K |
33 | eDgC_1_2L |
34 | eDgC_1_3C |
35 | eDgC_1_3G |
36 | eDgC_1_3H |
37 | eDgC_1_3J |
38 | eDgC_1_3K |
39 | eDgC_1_3L |
40 | eDgC_1_4B |
41 | eDgC_1_4C |
42 | eDgC_1_4D |
43 | eDgC_1_4E |
44 | eDgC_1_4F |
45 | eDgC_1_4G |
46 | eDgC_1_4S |
47 | eDgC_1_5D |
48 | eDgC_1_6N |
49 | eDgC_2_2 |
50 | eDgC_2_3 |
ID | Name |
0 | eDgkADRRID |
1 | eDgkIMD |
ID | Name |
0 | edgmpUnknown |
1 | edgmpNone |
2 | edgmpIMDG |
3 | edgmpADR |
ID | Name |
0 | eDgPgNone |
1 | eDgPgI |
2 | eDgPgII |
3 | eDgPgIII |
ID | Name |
0 | DgrkUnknown |
1 | DgrkCustomsArticle |
2 | DgrkCustomsInfo |
4 | DgrkFedExCustomsInformation |
5 | DrgkDHLFiling |
6 | OrderData |
ID | Name | Association / Description |
0 | DekUnknown | |
1 | eDekArticleNo | DgrkCustomsArticle |
2 | eDekUnitValue | DgrkCustomsArticle |
3 | eDekTariffCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
4 | eDekCountryOfOrigin | DgrkCustomsArticle |
5 | eDekQuantity | DgrkCustomsArticle |
6 | eDekUnitWeight | DgrkCustomsArticle |
7 | eDekDescrOfGoods | DgrkCustomsArticle |
8 | eDekUnitOfMeasure | DgrkCustomsArticle |
9 | eDekTotalWeight | DgrkCustomsArticle |
10 | eDekTotalValue | DgrkCustomsArticle |
11 | eDekVATSender | DgrkCustomsInfo |
12 | eDekVATReceiver | DgrkCustomsInfo |
13 | eDekVATBuyer | DgrkCustomsInfo |
14 | eDekOtherComments | DgrkCustomsInfo |
16 | eDekCustomsValue | DgrkCustomsArticle |
17 | eDekCustomsArticleCurrency | DgrkCustomsArticle |
18 | eDekCustomsArticleCommodityCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
19 | eDekInvoiceNumber | DgrkCustomsInfo |
20 | eDekReasonForExport | DgrkCustomsInfo |
21 | eDekCustomsInfoCurrency | DgrkCustomsInfo |
22 | eDekDeclarationStatement | DgrkCustomsInfo |
23 | eDekCustomsInfoCommodityCode | DgrkCustomsInfo |
24 | eDekInvoiceDate | DgrkCustomsInfo |
25 | eDekTermsofShipment | DgrkCustomsInfo |
26 | eDekDiscount | DgrkCustomsInfo |
27 | eDekFreightCharges | DgrkCustomsInfo |
28 | eDekInsuranceCharges | DgrkCustomsInfo |
29 | eDekChargesValue | DgrkCustomsInfo |
30 | eDekChargesDesc | DgrkCustomsInfo |
31 | eDekBookingNumber | DgrkCustomsInfo |
32 | eDekNumberOfPieces | DgrkCustomsArticle |
33 | eDekContents | DgrkCustomsInfo |
34 | eDekGrossWeight | DgrkCustomsInfo |
35 | eDekTDocNo | DgrkCustomsInfo |
36 | eDekNettoWeight | DgrkCustomsArticle |
174 | eDekCustomsAmount | DgrkFedExCustomsInformation |
175 | eDekCustomsCurrency | DgrkFedExCustomsInformation |
176 | eDekVATBroker | DgrkCustomsInfo |
177 | eDekDescriptionOfGoods | DgrkCustomsInfo |
178 | eDekSpecialInstructions | DgrkCustomsInfo |
179 | eDekCustomsCreditorNo | DgrkCustomsInfo |
180 | eDekNumberOfItems | DgrkCustomsArticle |
181 | eDekTotalValue | DgrkCustomsInfo |
182 | eDekShippersEORI | DgrkCustomsInfo |
183 | eDekFDARegistration | DgrkCustomsInfo |
184 | eDekProductDescription | DgrkCustomsArticle |
185 | eDekProductComposition | DgrkCustomsArticle |
186 | eDekProductCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
187 | eDekProductSize | DgrkCustomsArticle |
188 | eDekPreference | DgrkCustomsArticle |
189 | eDekProcedureCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
190 | eDekSupplementaryUnit | DgrkCustomsArticle |
191 | eDekCertificatesCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
192 | eDekCertificates | DgrkCustomsArticle |
193 | eDekGoodsLineNo | DgrkCustomsArticle |
501 | eDekFilingType | DrgkDHLFiling |
502 | eDekFTSR | DrgkDHLFiling |
503 | eDekINT | DrgkDHLFiling |
504 | eDekAES4EIN | DrgkDHLFiling |
505 | eDekUnitVolume | DgrkCustomsArticle |
506 | eDekGender | DgrkCustomsArticle |
507 | eDekConstruction | DgrkCustomsArticle |
508 | eDekFabricMarked | DgrkCustomsArticle |
509 | eDekFabricMutilated | DgrkCustomsArticle |
510 | eDekManufacturer | DgrkCustomsArticle |
511 | eDekProductionAddress | DgrkCustomsArticle |
512 | eDekProductionPostalCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
513 | eDekProductionCity | DgrkCustomsArticle |
514 | eDekOrderTotalValue | DgrkOrderData |
515 | eDekOrderVAT | DgrkOrderData |
516 | eDekPurchaseURL | DgrkCustomsArticle |
517 | eDekWeightUOM | DgrkCustomsArticle |
518 | eDekExportLicense | DgrkCustomsInfo |
519 | eDekOriginCertificateNumber | DgrkCustomsInfo |
520 | eDekCustomsBulkID | DgrkCustomsInfo |
521 | eDekInvoiceSignature | DgrkCustomsInfo |
522 | eDekInvoiceSignatureDate | DgrkCustomsInfo |
ID | Name |
0 | eSckUnknown |
1 | eSckChildIsComeback |
2 | eSckChildIsGroupMember |
4 | eSckChildIsBulksplitSub |
5 | eSckChildIsLeadMember |
ID | Name |
0 | eSskUnknown |
1 | eSskCreatedByImport |
2 | eSskCreateByGUI |
3 | eSskCreateByAPI |
4 | eSskSubmitted |
5 | eSskPriceCalculated |
6 | eSskBatchCreated |
7 | eSskFreightBillPrinted |
8 | eSskPackageLabelPrinted |
9 | eSskChangedAfterPackageLabelPrinted |
10 | eSskDeletedBeforeBatchCreated |
11 | eSskDeletedAfterBatchCreated |
12 | eSskEdiFileCreated |
13 | eSskEdiFileTransmitted |
14 | eSskMailbackRequested |
15 | eSskMailbackSent |
16 | eSskTransmitRequested |
17 | eSskTransmitSucceeded |
18 | eSskTransmitFailed |
19 | eSskProductionDraft |
20 | eSskMailbackFailed |
21 | eSskMoving |
22 | eSskDelivered |
23 | eSskDocumentReprinted |
24 | eSskMailbackDeleted |
25 | eSskShipmentLabelPrinted |
26 | eSskPrintedInConline |
27 | eSskPrebookSucceeded |
28 | eSskPrebookFailed |
29 | eSSkUpdatedAfterSubmitted |
30 | eSSkShipmentCompleted |
Currency codes
Use the corresponding value for the currency with the CurrencyCode variable in Amount to set the currency.
Value | ISO Code | Name |
1 | NOK | Norwegian Krone |
2 | DKK | Danish Krone |
3 | SEK | Swedish Krona |
4 | GBP | Pound Sterling |
5 | EUR | Euro |
6 | USD | US Dollar |
7 | AUD | Australian Dollar |
8 | HKD | Hong Kong Dollar |
9 | ISK | Iceland Krona |
10 | JPY | Yen |
11 | CAD | Canadian Dollar |
12 | CYP | Cyprus Pound (obsolete) |
13 | MTL | Malta Lira (obsolete) |
14 | SGD | Singapore Dollar |
15 | ZAR | Rand |
16 | CHF | Sweish Franc |
17 | THB | Baht |
18 | CZK | Czech Koruna |
19 | ZWL | Zimbabwe Dollar |
20 | BHD | Bahraini Dinar |
21 | AED | United Arab Emirates Dirham |
22 | PHP | Philippine Peso |
23 | INR | Indian Rupee |
24 | IDR | Indonesia Pupiah |
25 | ILS | New Israeli Sheqel |
26 | KES | Kenyan Shilling |
27 | CNY | Yuan Renminbi |
28 | KRW | Won |
29 | KWD | Kuwaiti Dinar |
30 | MXN | Mexican Peso |
31 | MAD | Moroccan Dirham |
32 | NZD | New Zealand Dollar |
33 | PKR | Pakistan Rupee |
34 | PLN | Zloty |
35 | QAR | Qatari Rial |
36 | RUB | Russian Ruble |
37 | SAR | Saudi Riyal |
38 | SKK | Slovenian Koruna (obsolete) |
39 | LKR | Sri Lanka Rupee |
40 | TWD | New Taiwan Dollar |
41 | TZS | Tanzanian Shilling |
42 | TND | Tunisian Dinar |
43 | TRY | Turkish Lira |
44 | HUF | Forint |
45 | EEK | Estonian Koruna (obsolete) |
46 | RON | Romanian Leu |
47 | BGN | Bulgarian Lev |
48 | EGP | Egyptian Pound |
49 | HRK | Kuna |
50 | LTL | Lithuania Litas (obsolete) |
51 | LVL | Latvia Lats (obsolete) |
52 | SIT | Slovenia Tolar (obsolete) |
53 | AFN | Afghani |
54 | ALL | Lek |
55 | AMD | Armenian Dram |
56 | ANG | Netherlands Antillian Guilder |
57 | AOA | Kwanza |
58 | ARS | Argentine Peso |
59 | AWG | Aruban Guilder |
60 | AZN | Azerbaijanian Manat |
61 | BAM | Convertible Mark |
62 | BBD | Barbados Dollar |
63 | BDT | Taka |
64 | BIF | Burundi Franc |
65 | BMD | Bermudian Dollar |
66 | BND | Brunei Dollar |
67 | BOB | Boliviano |
68 | BOV | Mvdol |
69 | BRL | Brazilian Real |
70 | BSD | Bahamian Dollar |
71 | BTN | Ngultrum |
72 | BWP | Pula |
73 | BYR | Belarussian Ruble |
74 | BZD | Belize Dollar |
75 | CDF | Congolese Franc |
76 | CLP | Chilean Peso |
77 | CLF | Unidad de Fomento |
78 | COP | Colombian Peso |
79 | COU | Unidad de Valor Real |
80 | CRC | Costa Rican Colon |
81 | CUP | Cuban Peso |
82 | CVE | Cape Verde Escudo |
83 | DJF | Djibouti Franc |
84 | DOP | Dominican Peso |
85 | DZD | Algerian Dinar |
86 | ERN | Nakfa |
87 | ETB | Ethiopian Birr |
88 | FJD | Fiji Dollar |
89 | FKP | Falkland Islands Pound |
90 | GEL | Lari |
91 | GHS | Ghana Cedi |
92 | GIP | Gibraltar Pound |
93 | GMD | Dalasi |
94 | GNF | Guinea Franc |
95 | GTQ | Quetzal |
96 | GWP | Guinea-Bissau Peso (obsolete) |
97 | GYD | Guyana Dollar |
98 | HNL | Lempira |
99 | HTG | Gourde |
100 | IQD | Iraqi Dinar |
101 | IRR | Iranian Rial |
102 | JMD | Jamaican Dollar |
103 | JOD | Jordanian Dinar |
104 | KGS | Som |
105 | KHR | Riel |
106 | KMF | Comoro Franc |
107 | KPW | North Korean Won |
108 | KYD | Cayman Islands Dollar |
109 | KZT | Tenge |
110 | LAK | Kip |
111 | LBP | Lebanese Pound |
112 | LRD | Liberian Dollar |
113 | LSL | Loti |
114 | LYD | Libyan Dinar |
115 | MDL | Moldovan Leu |
116 | MGA | Malagasy Ariary |
117 | MKD | Denar |
118 | MMK | Kyat |
119 | MNT | Tugrik |
120 | MOP | Pataca |
121 | MRU | Ouguiya |
122 | MUR | Mauritius Rupee |
123 | MVR | Rufiyaa |
124 | MWK | Kwacha |
125 | MYR | Malaysian Ringgit |
126 | MZN | Mozambique Metical |
127 | NAD | Namibia Dollar |
128 | NGN | Naira |
129 | NIO | Cordoba Oro |
130 | NPR | Nepalese Rupee |
131 | OMR | Rial Omani |
132 | PAB | Balboa |
133 | PEN | Nuevo Sol |
134 | PGK | Kina |
135 | PYG | Guarani |
136 | RWF | Rwanda Franc |
137 | SBD | Solomon Islands Dollar |
138 | SCR | Seychelles Rupee |
139 | SDG | Sudanese Pound |
140 | SHP | Saint Helena Pound |
141 | SLL | Leone |
142 | SOS | Somali Shilling |
143 | SRD | Surinam Dollar |
144 | STN | Dobra |
145 | SVC | El Salvador Colon |
146 | SYP | Syrian Pound |
147 | SZL | Lilangeni |
148 | TJS | Somoni |
149 | TMT | Turkmenistan New Manat |
150 | TOP | Pa'anga |
151 | TTD | Trinidad and Tobago Dollar |
152 | UAH | Hryvnia |
153 | UGX | Uganda Shilling |
154 | UYU | Peso Uruguayo |
155 | UYI | Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas |
156 | UZS | Uzbekistan Sum |
157 | VEF | Bolivar |
158 | VND | Dong |
159 | VUV | Vatu |
160 | WST | Tala |
161 | YER | Yemeni Rial |
162 | ZMW | Zambian Kwacha |
163 | RSD | Serbian Dinar |
164 | XAF | CFA Franc BEAC |
165 | XOF | CFA Franc BCEAO |
166 | XCD | East Caribbean dollar |
167 | XPF | CFP Franc |