In a booking it is possible to send extra information about an article you are shipping, the so-called Delivery Note Lines. This information can be mandatory when, for example, wanting to send shipments outside of the EU and when using paperless invoicing.
Below is a list of some of the most frequently used delivery note lines. As every carrier can require a different set of delivery note lines (not to mention that carriers sometimes change these requirements) and we must endeavour to always make all delivery note line information possible towards all carriers, the best place to find a full list of available delivery note line parameters in our platform are our devdocs here.
- Quantity in the box
- Article ID
- Description
- Currency
- Nett and/or gross weight (per item)
- Nett price and price (per item)(the latter meaning gross article price)
- HS Code
- Country of origin
- Reason of export
For paperless invoicing the below fields are frequently mandatory (again dependent on the carrier code you want to book with):
<reasonOfExport> (examples may be: gift, intercompany data, sale, sample, repair, return, other. This may vary per carrier so please verify this with your carrier contact)
Currently, it is possible to book Delivery Note Lines on shipment level but we strongly advise you to book them on package level only.
We are noticing that more and more carriers, especially when it concerns dangerous goods or customs shipments outside the EU, expect the item information of each parcel to be registered on package level. For that reason in the future we are planning for the Delivery Note Lines on shipment level to go EOL (end of life). In case you already have an integration with us based on shipment level, we strongly advise you to change it to package level. Of course we will communicate any change regarding this in time through our Release Notes forum on this helpcenter.
The information sent in the delivery notes lines comes from your ERP/WMS although you always maintain the option to manually add these package details through our portal to your shipments. Please make sure to always check internally and/or with your ERP/WMS partner about the possibilities and options you have in your current system, and request which customs data you need to transmit from your relevant carriers.
If you have any further questions please contact us through this link.
Take into account that there might be consultancy costs involved.