The nShift On-premises server (ConsignorServer.exe) is a Windows Services application and can be controlled by the Windows Services application. The service must be running for nShift On-premises to work. After updating and during troubleshooting, it is often a good idea to restart the service.
This article will explain how to start and restart the service, and suggest some things you can try during troubleshooting:
- Starting and restarting the Consignor service
- Dependencies on other services
- Uninstalling/Installing the Consignor service
nShift On-premises cannot connect to the Consignor service
Starting and restarting the Consignor Service
Restarting the service from nShift On-premises:
- In nShift On-premises, go to Tools in the top menu and select Restart nShift On-premises Server...
- Click Restart Now and click Yes when you are asked to confirm the restart.
Restarting the service from the Windows Services application:
- In Windows, go to Services by using the command services.msc or choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
- Find the service named ConsignorServer.
- If it's not running, either right-click and choose Start or click the Start button. If it's already running, then restart it by right-clicking and choosing Restart or by clicking the Restart button.
- Wait for about 20 seconds, then start nShift On-premises again. If you experience a database error, nShift On-premises was started before the service was ready. In that case, wait for a little and click Try again.
Dependencies on other services.
nShift On-premises is dependent on Remote Procedure Call and Network Store Interface Service. Check that these services are running - the ConsignorServer service will not start as long as they are not running.
- In Windows, go to Services by using the command services.msc or choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
- Find Remote Procedure Call and Network Store Interface Service and check that they have the status Running.
Uninstalling/Installing the Consignor service
- Locate the Consignor folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Consignor
- Find and run UnInstallService.bat - this will uninstall the service
- It may be necessary to restart the server before a service can be added again.
- Run InstallService.bat to install the service again.
nShift On-premises cannot connect to the Consignor service
If you see the following message when you try to start nShift On-premises, the Consignor service has stopped running.
- In Windows, go to Services by using the command services.msc or choose Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
- Find the service named ConsignorServer.
- Right-click and choose Start or click the Start button. If it is already running, then restart it by right-clicking and choosing Restart or by clicking the Restart button.
- Wait for about 20 seconds, then start nShift On-premises again. If you experience a database error, nShift On-premises was started before the service was ready. In that case, wait for a moment and click Try again.
- nShift On-premises should be able to start now. If not, try to restart the machine running the server.
If the problem persists, please contact our customer service.