This article will help you get started with using the nShift Linnworks plugin. It describes a simple flow from creating an order, printing the label, and transmitting the EDI to the carrier.
The article assumes that you already have everything set up and ready. Please read our article about Setting up nShift's Linnworks plugin, if you need help on how to set things up.
Content of this article:
Inventory items
The term "Item" in Linnworks refers to inventory products, meaning the products your company sells.
Item extended properties
- Log in to Linnworks and click on Inventory > My Inventory.
- Click on an item and navigate to the extended properties tab.
- Add or edit Extended properties for each product. These extended properties will be available in the integration mapping interface. Add information required by the carrier here.
Order extended properties
Order extended properties can be added through the Edit Order interface.
- From the Open Orders view, select an order and click Edit Order.
- In the Properties section, click the magnifying glass:
- Here you can add Order extended properties to a specific order. The name is very important, and it is case-sensitive when it is matched with the ExtendedPropertyMapping settings.
- Click Save to save your properties.
Adding a new order and printing a label
Here we will explain how to add a new order. For more advanced tutorials on how to use Linnworks, we recommend reading the Linnworks documentation on their site.
- Go to ORDERS > Open Orders.
- Click the New order button.
- Fill in Shipping Address, Service, Extended Properties and add a product. Once you have filled in the necessary information, click Complete Order.
- In the Open Orders view, right-click on an order line and select Print > Shipping Labels > PDF.
- A label will be generated and sent to the printer. Exactly which printer depends on your configuration of the operating system and browser.
Manifests and transmit
When you have completed your order and want to send all of its data to the carrier, follow these steps:
- Right-click on the order and select Print > Shipping Labels > Courier Config.
- After sending the data, a browser window will pop up with the label for the product. If you already printed it previously, you can just close the window.
Linnworks uses the term "Manifest" to denote an end-of-day list, suitable as a checklist when the carrier comes to pick up your packages. In Linnworks, a manifest can be created once, and then printed as many times as you want. In nShift Ship, the manifest (also known as carrier-specific report), is created at transmit and can be retrieved as often as wanted.
After transmitting data as described above, you can print a manifest:
- Go to SHIPPING > Shipping Manifests in the menu:
- In the Shipping Manifests view, click the Print button: