Some carriers support different types of A4 documents which can be generated together with the label. If you are unsure whether your carrier uses any A4 documents, you may ask the carrier or contact nShift Customer Service. It is carrier-specific which documents are available.
Once you have submitted a shipment, you can use the GetDocumentList method to return a list of all the documents created on the shipment at submit.
Request example:
{ "ShpCSID": 11126720 }
Expected output:
Successful request:
{ "Documents": [ { "ShpCSID": 11126720, "DocumentID": 22, "DocumentCSID": 13978271, "DocumentName": "DK.DF Fragtbrev", "DocumentType": "FreightLetter" }, { "ShpCSID": 11126720, "DocumentID": 30, "DocumentCSID": 13978272, "DocumentName": "DK.Fragtbrev", "PrintedDt": "2016-10-24T13:36:44", "DocumentType": "FreightLetter" } ] }
Use the GetDocument method to return any documents for the shipment that is enabled on the carrier or the product. Using DocumentCSID in the request returns the specified document. The DocumentCSID can be retrieved using the GetDocumentList method.
Request example:
{ "ShpCSID": 11126720, "DocumentCSID": 13978272 }
Expected output:
Successful request:
{ "Documents": [ { "DocumentCSID": 13978272, "DocumentName": "DK.Fragtbrev","IG4NCjAwMDAwMTI0ODMgMDAwMDAgbg0KMDAwMDAxNDE4NCAwMDAwMCBuDQp0cmFpbGVyDQo8PA0KL1Jvb3QgMSAwIFIvSW5mbyAzIDAgUi9TaXplIDIwDQo+Pg0Kc3RhcnR4cmVmDQoxNDY4MA0KJSVFT0Y= […]", "Copies": 1 } ] }
The format of the documents is pdf and encoded as Base64.
Also, see these articles about Shipment Server:
- Methods for Shipment Server API
- Creating a waybill on Shipment Server
- Making a shipment with customs details