Some carriers like PostNord and Bring require the printing of a waybill document to be attached to bulk shipments and some shipments outside of the EU (primarily to Norway). If you are in doubt, ask your carrier about this.
The waybill is printed after the EDI-files have been transmitted to the carrier.
The GetWaybill method is used to generate the waybill document. Only the fields CountryCode and BatchCID are mandatory to create the waybill on Shipment Server, but the carrier might require some more information to be filled in. The CountryCode should contain the destination country, and BatchCID is the ID of the batch of transmitted shipments that you want to create the waybill for.
Example of a GetWaybill request in JSON:
"Date": "04.06.2018",
"Sender": "nshift, Bredskifte Alle 11, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark",
"CustNo": "000001000",
"DestinationCountryTerminal": "Norway, POSTNORD",
"AgentNorge": "Agent name",
"AgentReceiver": "Testgade 10, 0484 Oslo, Norway",
"DestinationCountry": "Norway",
"MyPackBulksplit.ColliNo": "5",
"MyPackBulksplit.TotalNetWeight": "8",
"BatchCSID": 10999631,
"CountryCode": "NO"
In a successful response, you will get back the document in base64. Some GetWaybill responses will also contain a routing label that is used on some PostNord products.
Be aware that the field names carry former names of PostNord Products:
MyPack Bulksplit = MyPack Samsending
Business Bulksplit = Parcel Samsending
See an overview of all the fields available for the GetWaybill method here.