This article will go through different scenarios of failed prints in Drop Zone.
If a print fails, it is logged in the Failed Prints tab in Drop Zone.
If you click on a failed shipment, you will be redirected to the Outbox in Ship, if the shipment data is valid. The Refresh button will refresh the list, Delete will delete the marked shipment, and Clear will remove all shipments from the list.
You have two options if you want to receive an alert in case a print fails. Pop-up will display a pop-up message if a print fails. Choosing Email will notify you by email instead. Check one or both options to start receiving alerts.
Any invalid shipments for carriers that use AutoPrint, can be found under Ship > Error Handling in Ship. You can use the different filters in the drop-down list if you have many shipments under Error Handling:
Different scenarios that can cause failed prints:
- If no printer is configured in the Printers tab
- If a printer is not set as a default printer and it is offline, once an import with printer keys not matching any of the printers has been processed, the shipments will be placed in Failed Prints.
- If a printer is not set as a default printer and the printer is offline, once an import with printer keys matching those of the printer, has been processed, the user will find the labels in the printer queue. When the printer is turned on, the labels print.
- Two printers share the same printer key as the shipment, but none of the printers are set as default for printing labels. Furthermore, the first printer on your list is offline. The label enters the queue of the first printer. Since that printer is offline, the moment it is turned on the labels print.
To avoid the scenarios above, it is important to have a designated printer set as the default printer for labels.
If a successful print has been obtained, yet the shipment is registered as a failed print, most
probably the shipment also prints a freight letter for which there is no assigned default printer
defined in Drop Zone.