In this appendix, you'll find an overview of the objects and fields used with Shipment Server API.
Shipment Objects
- Address
- Lines
- LineUnit
- Package
- Reference
- ShpConnection
- Detail
- Row
- DetailGroup
- Amount
- Message
- DangerousGoods
- CSEvent
- Label - Options Object
- AddressKind
- ShipmentKind
- ReferenceKind - shipment
- ReferenceKind - lines
- ShipmentAmountKind
- ShipmentMessageKind
- CarrierPayer
- ShipmentTemperature
- DGClass
- DGKind
- DGMarinePollutant
- DGPackingGroup
- DetailGroupKind
- DetailKind
- ShipmentConnectionKind
- ConsignorEventKind - Currency codes
- Diagram showing associations between classes
Tip: Use the Developer Tools to construct the correct json for your requests.
Shipment Object
The carrier, subcarrier and products are described using the concept ids, which are unique in the Shipment Server.
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
ShpCSID | int | The unique ID of the shipment in Shipment Server. Not used in request. |
ShpESID | Int | Database ID. Not needed in request. |
InstallationID | string | The unique ID of Shipment Server installation. Not needed in the request. |
PhysicalInstallationID | string | ID in database. Not needed in the request. |
Kind | enum | ShipmentKind |
ShpNo | string | Shipment Number |
OverrideShpNo | string | When the shipment number (SSCC / EAN) is defined in ShpNo. Set value = 1 to tell Shipment Server to use this for the shipment rather than generate it at server side. |
OrderNo | string | Order Number |
PickupDt | DateTime | Pickup Date |
LabelPrintDt | DateTime | Timestamp of the moment when the label was printed. Not used in request. |
TransmitDt | DateTime | Timestamp of the moment when the shipment was transmitted. Not used in request. |
ImportDt | DateTime | Timestamp of the moment when the shipment was Imported. Not used in request. |
ExpireDt | DateTime | Timestamp of the moment when the shipment expires. |
SubmitDt | DateTime | Timestamp of the moment when the shipment was submitted. Not used in request. |
Weight | int | Not used in request |
DimensionalWeight | int | Not used in request |
Height | int | Not used in request |
Length | int | Not used in request |
Width | int | Not used in request |
ActorCSID | int | The actor under which the shipment is saved |
StackCSID | int | Stack Id for the stack to place the shipment in. Default stack will be used if the StackCSID is left out in the request. |
BatchCSID | int | Not used in request |
BatchDate | DateTime | Not used in request |
ComebackParentCSID | int | The ShpCSID of the comeback shipment. Not used in the request. |
GroupParentCSID | int | Not used in request |
BulksplitMainCSID | int | Not used in request |
Temperature | enum | ShipmentTemperature Not used in the request. |
CarriagePayer | enum | CarriagePayer Not used in the request. |
CarrierConceptID | int | Not used in request |
SubcarrierConceptID | int | Not used in request |
ProdConceptID | int | The uniq id for a carriers product, this would be the same across all Consignor applications. |
ProdCSID | int | Database Id for a product, used for custom carriers as they do not have ProdConceptID. It could also be used instead if ProdConceptID on concept carriers. But you do not need to use both ProdCSID and ProdConceptID in a request. |
Loadmeter | int | Not used in request |
Barcode1 | string | Not used in request |
Barcode2 | string | Not used in request |
OriginPostcode | string | Not used in request |
OriginTerminal | string | Not used in request |
PickupTerminal | string | Picked from the server if excluded from the request. |
AgentNo | string | Picked from the server if excluded from the request. |
PayerAccountAtCarrier | string | Picked from the server if excluded from the request. |
SenderAccountAtCarrier | string | Picked from the server if excluded from the request. |
SenderAccountAtBank | string | Picked from the server if excluded from the request. |
InsuranceGroup | int | Not used in request |
ReturnPackaging | int | Not used in request |
LabelsCount | int | Not used in request |
FreightBillsCount | int | Not used in request |
Services | Array int | |
Addresses | Array | Address |
Lines | Array | Goods Lines |
References | Array | Reference |
ShpConnections | Array | ShpConnection Not used in request. |
DetailGroups | Array | DetailGroup |
Amounts | Array | Amount |
Messages | Array | Message |
DangerousGoods | Array | DangerousGoods |
CSEvents | Array | CSEvent Not used in request. |
Labels | Array | Label Not used in request. |
Included in the Addresses array in the Shipment object. Please note that some carriers have requirements when it comes to correct address information, e.g. upper/lower case requirements, postcode formats, etc.
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
Kind | enum | AddressKind |
Name1 | string | |
Name2 | string | |
Street1 | string | |
Street2 | string | |
State | string | |
PostCode | string | |
City | string | |
POBox | string | |
POPostCode | string | |
POCity | string | |
Phone | string | |
Mobile | string | |
string | ||
Attention | string | |
CustNo | string | |
Fax | string | |
CountryCode | string | ISO 3166 country code, 2 letters (DK, NO, etc.) |
Province | string | |
ERPRef | string | |
OpeningHours | string | |
VATNo | string | |
VOECNumber | string |
Included in the Lines array in the Shipment object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
Number | int | Number of packages (see implementation section ) |
LineWeight | int | (gram) |
PkgWeight | int | Package Weight (gram) |
DimensionalWeight | int | |
Height | int | (mm) |
Length | int | (mm) |
Width | int | (mm) |
LineVol | long | (mm3) |
PkgVol | long | Package Volume (mm3) |
Loadmeter | int | (mm) |
GoodsTypeID | int | |
GoodsTypeName | string | |
GoodsTypeKey1 | string | |
GoodsTypeKey2 | string | |
RecycleCount | int | |
RecycleTypeID | int | |
RecycleTypeName | string | |
LineUnits | Array | LineUnit |
Pkgs | Array | Package |
References | Array | Reference |
Included in the LineUnits array in the Line object.
Name | Field type | Description |
Name | string | |
KindID | enum | |
Count | double | |
Weight | int | |
Vol | int | Volume |
Included in the Pkgs array in the Line object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
PkgCSID | int | Package Id |
ItemNo | int | |
PkgNo | string | Package number |
Barcode1 | string | |
Barcode2 | string | |
References | Array | Reference |
ConsignorEvents | Array | CSEvent |
Included in the References arrays in the Shipment object and the Lines object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
Kind | enum | ReferenceKind |
Value | string |
included in the ShpConnections array in the Shipment object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
Kind | enum | ShipmentConnectionKind |
ChildCSID | int |
included in the Details array in the Row and DetailGroup objects)
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
KindID | enum | DetailKind |
Value | string |
Included in the Rows array in the DetailGroup object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
Details | Array | Detail |
Included in the DetailGroups array in the Shipment object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
GroupID | enum | DetailGroupKind |
Rows | Array | Row |
Details | Array | Detail |
Included in the Amounts array in the Shipment object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
Kind | enum | ShipmentAmountKind |
CurrencyCode | string | |
Value | double |
Included in the Messages array in the Shipment object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
Kind | enum | ShipmentMessageKind |
Text | string |
Included in the DangerousGoods array in the Shipment object
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
AdditionalHandlingInformation | string | |
ADRtankSpecialProvisions | string | |
ADRtankTankCode | string | |
ArticleNo | string | Mandatory in DG Office |
ArticleName | string | |
AutoSummarizeMass | string | |
Class | enum | DGClass |
Classification | string | |
ClassName | string | |
Count | int | Mandatory in DG Office |
DeclarantName | string | Mandatory in DG Office |
Description | string | |
DGMId | string | |
EMSNo | string | |
EMSProc | string | |
ExceptedQuantities | string | |
FlashPoint | string | |
GoodsLineID | int | GoodsLineID or GoodsLineNo is mandatory |
GoodsLineNo | int | GoodsLineID or GoodsLineNo is mandatory |
GrossWeight | int | |
IdentificationNo | string | |
ItemGrossWeight | bigint | |
ItemNetWeight | bigint | |
Kind | enum | DGKind |
KindName | string | |
KitAmount | int | |
Labels | string | |
LimitedQuantities | string | |
LQCount | int | Limited Quantity count |
LQGrossWeight | int | Limited Quantity weight |
MarinePollutant | enum | DGMarinePollutant |
MfagNo | string | |
MixedPackingProvision | string | |
Name | string | |
NameRoad | string | |
NameSea | string | |
NEQ | decimal | |
NetWeight | int | |
NOS | string | |
OuterPackingAmount | int | Used in DG Office |
OuterPackingBundleID | int | Used in DG Office |
OuterPackingType | string | Used in DG Office |
OuterPackingTypeID | string | Used in DG Office |
PackingGroup | enum | DGPackingGroup |
PackingGroupName | string | |
PackingInstructions | string | |
PackingTypeID | int | |
PackingTypeKey | string | |
PackingTypeName | string | |
PageNo | string | |
Point | decimal | |
PortTankBulkContInstructions | string | |
PortTankBulkContSpecialProvisions | string | |
SecondaryClasses | string | |
ShipperReference | string | |
ShortName | string | |
SpecialPackingProvision | string | |
SpecialProvisions | string | |
SpecialProvisionsBulk | string | |
SpecialProvisionsHandling | string | |
SpecialProvisionsOperation | string | |
SpecialProvisionsPackages | string | |
StowingCategory | string | |
SubsidiaryRisk | string | |
TARE | int | |
TotalGross | int | |
TransportCategory | string | |
TransportInTank | string | |
TransportMode | string | Mandatory in DG Office |
TransportModeName | string | |
UN | int | |
UnitOfMeasure | string | |
UnitOfMeasureName | string | |
Vehicle | string | |
Vol | int |
Included in the CSEvents array in the Shipment object)
Name | Field type | Association / Description |
Kind | enum | ConsignorEventKind |
Date | string | |
User | string |
Included in the Labels array in the Shipment object, if requested using the Label option
Name | Field type | Value / Description |
Type | string |
Content | string | The content of the label, encoded as Base64 |
Options Object
The Options object is an optional JSON string that contains options when submitting a POST request. It is not included in the main shipment JSON object, but it is a separate JSON string.
Name | Field type | Value |
Command | string | Labels |
Labels | string |
Note: Labels can only be returned if the Command is SubmitShipment or ReprintLabels. |
PriceCalculation | 1 or 0 | 1 returns the price from price calculation activated on the product. If no price calculation has been activated on the product, no price will be returned using this option. |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eSakUnknown | |
1 | eSakReceiver | |
2 | eSakSender | |
3 | eSakPickUp | |
4 | eSakPayer | |
5 | eSakBuyer | |
6 | eSakTemporary | |
7 | eSakMessage | |
8 | eSakForwarder | |
9 | eSakReturnTo | |
10 | eSakDropPoint | |
11 | eSakDepot | |
12 | eSakComeback | |
13 | eSakBroker | |
14 | eSakDelivery | |
15 | eSakSortTo | |
16 | eSakImport | |
18 | eSakSeller |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eSkUnknown | |
1 | eSkNormal | |
2 | eSkComeback | |
3 | eSkGroup |
ReferenceKind (shipment)
Used in the References array in the Shipment object.
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eSrkUnknown | |
2 | eSrkCodReference | |
4 | eSrkJobNumber | |
5 | eSrkProjectName | |
6 | eSrkReceiverAccountAtSender | |
7 | eSrkReceiverReference | |
9 | eSrkWantedDeliveryTime | |
10 | eSrkRequiredDeliveryTime | |
11 | eSrkReceiverAccountAtCarrier | |
12 | eSrkSenderReference | |
14 | eSrkOver | |
16 | eSrkBookingReference | |
18 | eSrkInsuranceCategory | |
19 | eSrkInsurancePolicyNumber | |
20 | eSrkDeliveryConditions | |
21 | eSrkDeliveryInstructions | Deprecated, not in use |
25 | eSrkGoodsKind | |
27 | eSrkAttention | |
29 | eSrkKID | |
30 | eSrkInsuranceContent | |
31 | eSrkInsuranceSenderEmail | |
32 | eSrkOrderNumberAdditional | |
33 | eSrkCrossDockingID | This is the RECEIVERs cross docking ID |
34 | eSrkRoutingCode | |
35 | eSrkDPDService | |
36 | eSrkDPDOSort | |
37 | eSrkDPDDSort | |
38 | eSrkDPDLot | |
39 | eSrkDPDServiceMark | |
40 | eSrkDPDServiceInfo | |
41 | eSrkDPDVersion | |
42 | eSrkDPDDDepot | |
43 | eSrkDPDBarCode | |
44 | eSrkDPDDestinationText | |
45 | eSrkDPDServiceCountryZIP | |
46 | eSrkProductSpecialName | |
47 | eSrkProductSpecialLogo | |
48 | eSrkProductFeatures | |
49 | eSrkLabelVersion | |
50 | eSrkDHLCMRText | |
51 | eSrkCodeLabel | |
52 | eSrkPackageWeightLogo | |
53 | eSrkImportPrinterKey | |
54 | eSrkCODAcountType | |
55 | eSrkCODAccountIsOCR | |
56 | eSrkRoutingCode2 | |
57 | eSrkServiceCode | |
58 | eSrkPayerCode | |
59 | eSrkCODCode | |
60 | eSrkPaymentReference | |
61 | eSrkActorAlias | |
62 | eSrkCarrierCode | |
63 | eSrkCustomField1 | |
64 | eSrkCustomField2 | |
65 | eSrkCustomField3 | |
66 | eSrkCustomField4 | |
67 | eSrkCustomField5 | |
68 | eSrkCustomField6 | |
69 | eSrkCustomField7 | |
70 | eSrkCustomField8 | |
71 | eSrkCustomField9 | |
72 | eSrkCustomField10 | |
73 | eSrkPayerAgentNo | |
74 | eSrkListOfContentsNo | |
75 | eSrkServiceInformation | |
76 | eSrkRoutingCode3 | |
77 | eSrkAirportCodeSender | |
78 | eSrkAirportCodeReceiver | |
79 | eSrkSenderPalletAccount | |
80 | eSrkReceiverPalletAccount | |
81 | eSrkInvoiceCustomsCode | |
82 | eSrkCODAccountIBAN | |
83 | eSrkCODAccountBIC | |
84 | eSrkCustomField11 | |
85 | eSrkCustomField12 | |
86 | eSrkCustomField13 | |
87 | eSrkCustomField14 | |
88 | eSrkCustomField15 | |
89 | eSrkCustomField16 | |
90 | eSrkCustomField17 | |
91 | eSrkCustomField18 | |
92 | eSrkCustomField19 | |
93 | eSrkCustomField20 | |
94 | eSrkInternal1 | Internal - should never go to export/import/gui |
95 | eSrkInternal2 | Internal - should never go to export/import/gui |
98 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific1 | |
99 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific2 | |
100 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific3 | |
101 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific4 | |
102 | eSrkShipmentCarrierSpecific5 | |
108 | eSrkPickupStartDatetime | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD |
109 | eSrkPickupEndDatetime | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or YYYY-MM-DD |
110 | eSrkDeliveryStartDatetime | |
111 | eSrkDeliveryEndDatetime | |
112 | eSrkRoutingTableID1 | |
113 | eSrkRoutingTableID2 | |
114 | eSrkRoutingTableID3 | |
115 | eSrkRoutingCode4 | |
116 | eSrkRoutingCode5 | |
117 | eSrkRoutingCode6 | |
118 | eSrkRoutingCode7 | |
119 | eSrkRoutingCode8 | |
120 | eSrkRoutingTableID4 | |
121 | eSrkRoutingTableID5 | |
122 | eSrkRoutingTableID6 | |
123 | eSrkRoutingTableID7 | |
124 | eSrkRoutingTableID8 | |
125 | eSrkLoadedFromWebERP | |
126 | eSrkSchenkerSEOnly_UccEan128_FNC1 | |
127 | eSrkCarrierSpecificBlob | |
128 | eSrkAdditionalReceiverReference | |
134 | eSrkSelectedReference | |
135 | eSrkBulksplitShipmentNumber | |
136 | eSrkErrorLabelData | |
137 | eSrkCheckoutDeskId | |
138 | eSrkThirdPartyInsurancePremium | |
139 | eSrkThirdPartyInsuranceContents | |
140 | eSrkThirdPartyInsuranceEmail | |
141 | eSrkThirdPartyInsuranceTermsAccepted | Internal - should never go to export/import/gui |
142 | eSrkThirdPartyInsuranceStatus | Internal - should never go to export/import/gui |
143 | eSrkESIID | |
144 | eSrkProductFeaturesV2 | |
145 | eSrkFactoryDefinedReference | |
146 | eSrkShipmentKey | |
147 | eSrkTrackingUrl | |
148 | esrkDocumentUrl | |
149 | esrkShipmentBookingNumber | |
150 | eSrkShipmentBookingAlternativeService | |
151 | eSrkLQCountSum | |
152 | eSrkLQGrossWeight Sum | |
153 | eSrkLineLQCountSum | |
154 | eSrkLine LQGrossWeightSum | |
155 | eSrkLineEDIfragtGLId | |
156 | eSrkDropPointDepot | |
157 | eSrkDropPointRoutingCode | |
158 | eSrkCustomPackageCount | |
159 | eSrkCustomPackageNumber | |
160 | eSrkHiddenCustomField1 | |
161 | eSrkHiddenCustomField2 | |
162 | eSrkHiddenCustomField3 | |
163 | eSrkHiddenCustomField4 | |
164 | eSrkShipmentHiddenCarrierSpecificReference1 | |
165 | eSrkShipmentHiddenCarrierSpecificReference2 | |
156 | eSrkShipmentHiddenCarrierSpecificReference3 | |
167 | eSrkShipmentHiddenCarrierSpecificReference4 | |
168 | eSrkPrivateCustomField1 | |
169 | eSrkPrivateCustomField2 | |
170 | eSrkPrivateCustomField3 | |
171 | eSrkPrivateCustomField4 | |
172 | eSrkShipmentPrivateCarrierSpecificReference1 | |
173 | eSrkShipmentPrivateCarrierSpecificReference2 | |
174 | eSrkShipmentPrivateCarrierSpecificReference3 | |
175 | eSrkShipmentPrivateCarrierSpecificReference4 | |
176 | eSrkCustomField21 | |
177 | eSrkCustomField22 | |
178 | eSrkCustomField23 | |
179 | eSrkCustomField24 | |
180 | eSrkCustomField25 | |
181 | eSrkCustomField26 | |
182 | eSrkCustomField27 | |
183 | eSrkCustomField28 | |
184 | eSrkCustomField29 | |
185 | eSrkCustomField30 | |
186 | eSrkCustomField31 | |
187 | eSrkCustomField32 | |
188 | eSrkCustomField33 | |
189 | eSrkCustomField34 | |
190 | eSrkCustomField35 | |
191 | eSrkCustomField36 | |
192 | eSrkCustomField37 | |
193 | eSrkCustomField38 | |
194 | eSrkCustomField39 | |
195 | eSrkCustomField40 | |
196 | eSrkCustomField41 | |
197 | eSrkCustomField42 | |
198 | eSrkCustomField43 | |
199 | eSrkCustomField44 | |
200 | eSrkCustomField45 | |
201 | eSrkCustomField46 | |
202 | eSrkCustomField47 | |
203 | eSrkCustomField48 | |
204 | eSrkCustomField49 | |
205 | eSrkCustomField50 | |
206 | eSrkCustomField51 | |
207 | eSrkCustomField52 | |
208 | eSrkCustomField53 | |
209 | eSrkCustomField54 | |
210 | eSrkCustomField55 | |
211 | eSrkCustomField56 | |
212 | eSrkCustomField57 | |
213 | eSrkCustomField58 | |
214 | eSrkCustomField59 | |
215 | eSrkCustomField60 | |
216 | eSrkImportedPickupTerminal | |
217 | eSrkCompletionAcrossProductsOriginId | |
218 | eSrkCompletionOriginId |
Internal, contains the completed shipment id, stored on the lines on completion references list |
219 | eSrkLineShipmentBooked | |
220 | eSrkPortalNumber | |
236 | eSrkMailbackSent | |
237 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment6 | |
238 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment7 | |
239 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment8 | |
240 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment9 | |
241 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment10 | |
242 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment11 | |
243 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment12 | |
244 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment13 | |
245 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment14 | |
246 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment15 | |
247 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment16 | |
248 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment17 | |
249 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment18 | |
250 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment19 | |
251 | eSrkCarrierSpecificShipment20 | |
252 | eSrkPackageBookingReferenceNumber | |
253 | eSrkBookingClosed | |
254 | eSrkLeadShipmentNumber | |
255 | eSrkLeadShipmentChildsCount | |
256 | eSrkShipAdvisorReference | |
257 | eSrkAdditionalImportPrinterKey | |
258 | eSrkExportFolder | |
259 | eSrkCarrierAccountAuthorizationNumber | |
260 | eSrkLeadPackageNumber | |
261 | eSrkLeadChildProductId | |
262 | eSrkRoutingCode9 | |
263 | eSrkRoutingCode10 | |
264 | eSrkRoutingCode11 | |
265 | eSrkRoutingCode12 | |
266 | eSrkRoutingCode13 | |
267 | eSrkRoutingCode14 | |
268 | eSrkRoutingCode15 | |
269 | eSrkRoutingCode16 | |
270 | eSrkRoutingCode17 | |
271 | eSrkRoutingCode18 | |
272 | eSrkRoutingCode19 | |
273 | eSrkRoutingCode20 | |
274 | eSrkExportFtpProfile | |
275 | eSrkLeadPackageCount | |
276 | eSrkPrebookingEmailSenderAddress | |
277 | eSrkPrebookingEmailSenderName | |
278 | eSrkPrebookingEmailSubject | |
279 | eSrkPortalBarcode1 | |
280 | eSrkPortalBarcode2 | |
281 | eSrkCSRServiceLevel | |
282 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific1 | |
283 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific2 | |
284 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific3 | |
285 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific4 | |
286 | eSrkPackageCarrierSpecific5 | |
287 | eSrkLayoutLabelShowThousandSeparator | |
288 | eSrkLayoutLabelThousandSeparator | |
289 | eSrkLayoutLabelDecimalSeparator | |
290 | eSrkPortalCustomPriceCalculationDetails | |
291 | eSrk4PLProduct | |
292 | eSrkCarrierEtaEarliestArrivalDateTime | |
293 | eSrkCarrierEtaLatestArrivalDateTime | |
294 | eSrkCarrierEtaDeliverySlaDuration | |
295 | eSrkCarrierEtaDeliverySlaDeliveryHours | |
296 | eSrkCarrierEtaPickupCutOffDateTime | |
297 | eSrkPOD | |
298 | eSrkLeadGroupId | |
299 | eSrkOnGoingERP | |
300 | eSrkLoadedFromERP | |
301 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific6 | |
302 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific7 | |
303 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific8 | |
304 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific9 | |
305 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific10 | |
306 | eSrkCarrierEtaServiceId | |
307 | eSrkUsingPreAdvise | |
308 | eSrkCustomerPromiseDate | |
309 | eSrkCarrierAccountField5 | |
310 | eSrkCarrierAccountField6 | |
311 | eSrkCarrierAccountField7 | |
312 | eSrkCarrierAccountField8 | |
313 | eSrkCarrierAccountField9 | |
314 | eSrkDoorAccessCode | |
315 | eSrkDPDO-Phone | |
316 | eSrkDPDD-Phone | |
317 | eSrkPortalOrphanInstallations | |
326 | eSrkPackagePIN | |
327 | eSrkPickupCode | |
328 | eSrkPriceEstimateID | |
329 | eSrkCarrierEtaStartIso | |
330 | eSrkCarrierEtaEndIso | |
331 | eSrkTODConditionCODE | |
332 | eSrkDPDSSort | |
333 | eSrkDPDNetworkCode | |
334 | eSrkDPDDestinationBusinessUnit | |
335 | eSrkDPDDestinationText2 | |
336 | eSrkDPDBarCode2 | |
337 | eSrkPersonalCustomerNumber | |
338 | eSrkRefBookingDate | |
339 | eSrkIncotermsLocation | |
340 | eSrkQRCodeLink | |
341 | eSrkDTPIORAccount | |
342 | eSrkBirthDate | |
343 | eSrkProofOfIdentity | |
344 | eSrkPalletSpaces | |
345 | eSrkLineShipmentPrebooked | |
346 | eSrkPackageShipmentPrebooked | |
347 | eSrkIOSSNumber | |
348 | eSrkMinimumTemperature | |
349 | eSrkMaximumTemperature | |
350 | eSrkLineCODReference | |
351 | eSrkCostCenter | |
352 | eSrkIDExpiryDate | |
353 | eSrkIDNumber | |
354 | eSrkNotificationShip | |
355 | eSrkNotificationException | |
356 | eSrkNotificationDelivery | |
357 | eSrkNotificationReturn | |
358 | eSrkNotificationInTransit | |
359 | eSrkCartonID | |
360 | eSrkLanguageCode | |
361 | eSrkOpenHoursMonday | |
362 | eSrkOpenHoursTuesday | |
363 | eSrkOpenHourWednesday | |
364 | eSrkOpenHoursThursday | |
365 | eSrkOpenHoursFriday | |
366 | eSrkOpenHoursSaturday |
ReferenceKind (Lines)
Used in the References array in the Lines object.
ID | Name | Description |
23 | eSrkContents | Lines - References |
24 | eSrkMarking | Lines - References |
103 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific1 | Lines - References |
104 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific2 | Lines - References |
105 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific3 | Lines - References |
106 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific4 | Lines - References |
107 | eSrkLineCarrierSpecific5 | Lines - References |
129 | eSrkCustomLineField1 | Lines - References |
130 | eSrkCustomLineField2 | Lines - References |
131 | eSrkCustomLineField3 | Lines - References |
132 | eSrkCustomLineField4 | Lines - References |
133 | eSrkCustomLineField5 | Lines - References |
221 | eSrkCustomLineField6 | Lines - References |
222 | eSrkCustomLineField7 | Lines - References |
223 | eSrkCustomLineField8 | Lines - References |
224 | eSrkCustomLineField9 | Lines - References |
225 | eSrkCustomLineField10 | Lines - References |
226 | eSrkCustomLineField11 | Lines - References |
227 | eSrkCustomLineField12 | Lines - References |
228 | eSrkCustomLineField13 | Lines - References |
229 | eSrkCustomLineField14 | Lines - References |
230 | eSrkCustomLineField15 | Lines - References |
231 | eSrkCustomLineField16 | Lines - References |
232 | eSrkCustomLineField17 | Lines - References |
233 | eSrkCustomLineField18 | Lines - References |
234 | eSrkCustomLineField19 | Lines - References |
235 | eSrkCustomLineField20 | Lines - References |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eSamkUnknown | |
1 | eSamkPrice1 | |
2 | eSamkPrice2 | |
3 | eSamkPrice3 | |
4 | eSamkInsuranceValue | |
5 | eSamkCodAmount | |
6 | eSamkCarrierSpecifiedPrice | |
7 | eSamkCarrierSpecifiedCodAmount | |
8 | eSamkInsuranceAmountPerPackage | |
9 | eSamkFixedPrice | |
10 | eSamkInvoiceAmount | |
11 | eSamkCodAmountOriginal | |
12 | eSamkThirdPartyInsurance |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eSmkUnknown | |
1 | eSmkDriver | |
2 | eSmkCarrier | |
3 | eSmkReceiver |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eCpUnknown | |
1 | eCpSender | |
2 | eCpReceiver | |
3 | eCpOther |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eStUnknown | |
1 | eStNormal | |
2 | eStHeat | |
3 | eStCool |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eDgCUnknown | |
1 | eDgC_1 | |
2 | eDgC_2 | |
3 | eDgC_2_1 | |
4 | eDgC_3 | |
5 | eDgC_4_1 | |
6 | eDgC_4_2 | |
7 | eDgC_4_3 | |
8 | eDgC_5_1 | |
9 | eDgC_5_2 | |
10 | eDgC_6_1 | |
11 | eDgC_6_2 | |
12 | eDgC_7 | |
13 | eDgC_8 | |
14 | eDgC_9 | |
14 | eDgC_9 | |
14 | eDgC_9 | |
15 | eDgC_1_1A | |
16 | eDgC_1_1B | |
17 | eDgC_1_1C | |
18 | eDgC_1_1D | |
19 | eDgC_1_1E | |
20 | eDgC_1_1F | |
21 | eDgC_1_1G | |
22 | eDgC_1_1J | |
23 | eDgC_1_1L | |
24 | eDgC_1_2B | |
25 | eDgC_1_2C | |
26 | eDgC_1_2D | |
27 | eDgC_1_2E | |
28 | eDgC_1_2F | |
29 | eDgC_1_2G | |
30 | eDgC_1_2H | |
31 | eDgC_1_2J | |
32 | eDgC_1_2K | |
33 | eDgC_1_2L | |
34 | eDgC_1_3C | |
35 | eDgC_1_3G | |
36 | eDgC_1_3H | |
37 | eDgC_1_3J | |
38 | eDgC_1_3K | |
39 | eDgC_1_3L | |
40 | eDgC_1_4B | |
41 | eDgC_1_4C | |
42 | eDgC_1_4D | |
43 | eDgC_1_4E | |
44 | eDgC_1_4F | |
45 | eDgC_1_4G | |
46 | eDgC_1_4S | |
47 | eDgC_1_5D | |
48 | eDgC_1_6N | |
49 | eDgC_2_2 | |
50 | eDgC_2_3 |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eDgkADRRID | |
1 | eDgkIMD | |
2 | eDgLQ | |
3 | eDgEQ |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | edgmpUnknown | |
1 | edgmpNone | |
2 | edgmpIMDG | |
3 | edgmpADR |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eDgPgNone | |
1 | eDgPgI | |
2 | eDgPgII | |
3 | eDgPgIII |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | DgrkUnknown | |
1 | DgrkCustomsArticle | |
2 | DgrkCustomsInfo | |
4 | DgrkFedExCustomsInformation | |
5 | DrgkDHLFiling | |
6 | OrderData |
ID | Name | Association / Description |
0 | DekUnknown | |
1 | eDekArticleNo | DgrkCustomsArticle |
2 | eDekUnitValue | DgrkCustomsArticle |
3 | eDekTariffCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
4 | eDekCountryOfOrigin | DgrkCustomsArticle |
5 | eDekQuantity | DgrkCustomsArticle |
6 | eDekUnitWeight | DgrkCustomsArticle |
7 | eDekDescrOfGoods | DgrkCustomsArticle |
8 | eDekUnitOfMeasure | DgrkCustomsArticle |
9 | eDekTotalWeight | DgrkCustomsArticle |
10 | eDekTotalValue | DgrkCustomsArticle |
11 | eDekVATSender | DgrkCustomsInfo |
12 | eDekVATReceiver | DgrkCustomsInfo |
13 | eDekVATBuyer | DgrkCustomsInfo |
14 | eDekOtherComments | DgrkCustomsInfo |
16 | eDekCustomsValue | DgrkCustomsArticle |
17 | eDekCustomsArticleCurrency | DgrkCustomsArticle |
18 | eDekCustomsArticleCommodityCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
19 | eDekInvoiceNumber | DgrkCustomsInfo |
20 | eDekReasonForExport | DgrkCustomsInfo |
21 | eDekCustomsInfoCurrency | DgrkCustomsInfo |
22 | eDekDeclarationStatement | DgrkCustomsInfo |
23 | eDekCustomsInfoCommodityCode | DgrkCustomsInfo |
24 | eDekInvoiceDate | DgrkCustomsInfo |
25 | eDekTermsofShipment | DgrkCustomsInfo |
26 | eDekDiscount | DgrkCustomsInfo |
27 | eDekFreightCharges | DgrkCustomsInfo |
28 | eDekInsuranceCharges | DgrkCustomsInfo |
29 | eDekChargesValue | DgrkCustomsInfo |
30 | eDekChargesDesc | DgrkCustomsInfo |
31 | eDekBookingNumber | DgrkCustomsInfo |
32 | eDekNumberOfPieces | DgrkCustomsArticle |
33 | eDekContents | DgrkCustomsInfo |
34 | eDekGrossWeight | DgrkCustomsInfo |
35 | eDekTDocNo | DgrkCustomsInfo |
36 | eDekNettoWeight | DgrkCustomsArticle |
174 | eDekCustomsAmount | DgrkFedExCustomsInformation |
175 | eDekCustomsCurrency | DgrkFedExCustomsInformation |
176 | eDekVATBroker | DgrkCustomsInfo |
177 | eDekDescriptionOfGoods | DgrkCustomsInfo |
178 | eDekSpecialInstructions | DgrkCustomsInfo |
179 | eDekCustomsCreditorNo | DgrkCustomsInfo |
180 | eDekNumberOfItems | DgrkCustomsArticle |
181 | eDekTotalValue | DgrkCustomsInfo |
182 | eDekShippersEORI | DgrkCustomsInfo |
183 | eDekFDARegistration | DgrkCustomsInfo |
184 | eDekProductDescription | DgrkCustomsArticle |
185 | eDekProductComposition | DgrkCustomsArticle |
186 | eDekProductCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
187 | eDekProductSize | DgrkCustomsArticle |
188 | eDekPreference | DgrkCustomsArticle |
189 | eDekProcedureCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
190 | eDekSupplementaryUnit | DgrkCustomsArticle |
191 | eDekCertificatesCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
192 | eDekCertificates | DgrkCustomsArticle |
193 | eDekGoodsLineNo | DgrkCustomsArticle |
501 | eDekFilingType | DrgkDHLFiling |
502 | eDekFTSR | DrgkDHLFiling |
503 | eDekINT | DrgkDHLFiling |
504 | eDekAES4EIN | DrgkDHLFiling |
505 | eDekUnitVolume | DgrkCustomsArticle |
506 | eDekGender | DgrkCustomsArticle |
507 | eDekConstruction | DgrkCustomsArticle |
508 | eDekFabricMarked | DgrkCustomsArticle |
509 | eDekFabricMutilated | DgrkCustomsArticle |
510 | eDekManufacturer | DgrkCustomsArticle |
511 | eDekProductionAddress | DgrkCustomsArticle |
512 | eDekProductionPostalCode | DgrkCustomsArticle |
513 | eDekProductionCity | DgrkCustomsArticle |
514 | eDekOrderTotalValue | DgrkOrderData |
515 | eDekOrderVAT | DgrkOrderData |
516 | eDekPurchaseURL | DgrkCustomsArticle |
517 | eDekWeightUOM | DgrkCustomsArticle |
518 | eDekExportLicense | DgrkCustomsInfo |
519 | eDekOriginCertificateNumber | DgrkCustomsInfo |
520 | eDekCustomsBulkID | DgrkCustomsInfo |
521 | eDekInvoiceSignature | DgrkCustomsInfo |
522 | eDekInvoiceSignatureDate | DgrkCustomsInfo |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eSckUnknown | |
1 | eSckChildIsComeback | |
2 | eSckChildIsGroupMember | |
4 | eSckChildIsBulksplitSub | |
5 | eSckChildIsLeadMember |
ID | Name | Description |
0 | eSskUnknown | |
1 | eSskCreatedByImport | |
2 | eSskCreateByGUI | |
3 | eSskCreateByAPI | |
4 | eSskSubmitted | |
5 | eSskPriceCalculated | |
6 | eSskBatchCreated | |
7 | eSskFreightBillPrinted | |
8 | eSskPackageLabelPrinted | |
9 | eSskChangedAfterPackageLabelPrinted | |
10 | eSskDeletedBeforeBatchCreated | |
11 | eSskDeletedAfterBatchCreated | |
12 | eSskEdiFileCreated | |
13 | eSskEdiFileTransmitted | |
14 | eSskMailbackRequested | |
15 | eSskMailbackSent | |
16 | eSskTransmitRequested | |
17 | eSskTransmitSucceeded | |
18 | eSskTransmitFailed | |
19 | eSskProductionDraft | |
20 | eSskMailbackFailed | |
21 | eSskMoving | |
22 | eSskDelivered | |
23 | eSskDocumentReprinted | |
24 | eSskMailbackDeleted | |
25 | eSskShipmentLabelPrinted | |
26 | eSskPrintedInConline | |
27 | eSskPrebookSucceeded | |
28 | eSskPrebookFailed | |
29 | eSSkUpdatedAfterSubmitted | |
30 | eSSkShipmentCompleted |
Currency codes
Use the corresponding value for the currency with the CurrencyCode variable in Amount to set the currency.
Value | ISO Code | Name |
1 | NOK | Norwegian Krone |
2 | DKK | Danish Krone |
3 | SEK | Swedish Krona |
4 | GBP | Pound Sterling |
5 | EUR | Euro |
6 | USD | US Dollar |
7 | AUD | Australian Dollar |
8 | HKD | Hong Kong Dollar |
9 | ISK | Iceland Krona |
10 | JPY | Yen |
11 | CAD | Canadian Dollar |
12 | CYP | Cyprus Pound (obsolete) |
13 | MTL | Malta Lira (obsolete) |
14 | SGD | Singapore Dollar |
15 | ZAR | Rand |
16 | CHF | Sweish Franc |
17 | THB | Baht |
18 | CZK | Czech Koruna |
19 | ZWL | Zimbabwe Dollar |
20 | BHD | Bahraini Dinar |
21 | AED | United Arab Emirates Dirham |
22 | PHP | Philippine Peso |
23 | INR | Indian Rupee |
24 | IDR | Indonesia Pupiah |
25 | ILS | New Israeli Sheqel |
26 | KES | Kenyan Shilling |
27 | CNY | Yuan Renminbi |
28 | KRW | Won |
29 | KWD | Kuwaiti Dinar |
30 | MXN | Mexican Peso |
31 | MAD | Moroccan Dirham |
32 | NZD | New Zealand Dollar |
33 | PKR | Pakistan Rupee |
34 | PLN | Zloty |
35 | QAR | Qatari Rial |
36 | RUB | Russian Ruble |
37 | SAR | Saudi Riyal |
38 | SKK | Slovenian Koruna (obsolete) |
39 | LKR | Sri Lanka Rupee |
40 | TWD | New Taiwan Dollar |
41 | TZS | Tanzanian Shilling |
42 | TND | Tunisian Dinar |
43 | TRY | Turkish Lira |
44 | HUF | Forint |
45 | EEK | Estonian Koruna (obsolete) |
46 | RON | Romanian Leu |
47 | BGN | Bulgarian Lev |
48 | EGP | Egyptian Pound |
49 | HRK | Kuna |
50 | LTL | Lithuania Litas (obsolete) |
51 | LVL | Latvia Lats (obsolete) |
52 | SIT | Slovenia Tolar (obsolete) |
53 | AFN | Afghani |
54 | ALL | Lek |
55 | AMD | Armenian Dram |
56 | ANG | Netherlands Antillian Guilder |
57 | AOA | Kwanza |
58 | ARS | Argentine Peso |
59 | AWG | Aruban Guilder |
60 | AZN | Azerbaijanian Manat |
61 | BAM | Convertible Mark |
62 | BBD | Barbados Dollar |
63 | BDT | Taka |
64 | BIF | Burundi Franc |
65 | BMD | Bermudian Dollar |
66 | BND | Brunei Dollar |
67 | BOB | Boliviano |
68 | BOV | Mvdol |
69 | BRL | Brazilian Real |
70 | BSD | Bahamian Dollar |
71 | BTN | Ngultrum |
72 | BWP | Pula |
73 | BYR | Belarussian Ruble |
74 | BZD | Belize Dollar |
75 | CDF | Congolese Franc |
76 | CLP | Chilean Peso |
77 | CLF | Unidad de Fomento |
78 | COP | Colombian Peso |
79 | COU | Unidad de Valor Real |
80 | CRC | Costa Rican Colon |
81 | CUP | Cuban Peso |
82 | CVE | Cape Verde Escudo |
83 | DJF | Djibouti Franc |
84 | DOP | Dominican Peso |
85 | DZD | Algerian Dinar |
86 | ERN | Nakfa |
87 | ETB | Ethiopian Birr |
88 | FJD | Fiji Dollar |
89 | FKP | Falkland Islands Pound |
90 | GEL | Lari |
91 | GHS | Ghana Cedi |
92 | GIP | Gibraltar Pound |
93 | GMD | Dalasi |
94 | GNF | Guinea Franc |
95 | GTQ | Quetzal |
96 | GWP | Guinea-Bissau Peso (obsolete) |
97 | GYD | Guyana Dollar |
98 | HNL | Lempira |
99 | HTG | Gourde |
100 | IQD | Iraqi Dinar |
101 | IRR | Iranian Rial |
102 | JMD | Jamaican Dollar |
103 | JOD | Jordanian Dinar |
104 | KGS | Som |
105 | KHR | Riel |
106 | KMF | Comoro Franc |
107 | KPW | North Korean Won |
108 | KYD | Cayman Islands Dollar |
109 | KZT | Tenge |
110 | LAK | Kip |
111 | LBP | Lebanese Pound |
112 | LRD | Liberian Dollar |
113 | LSL | Loti |
114 | LYD | Libyan Dinar |
115 | MDL | Moldovan Leu |
116 | MGA | Malagasy Ariary |
117 | MKD | Denar |
118 | MMK | Kyat |
119 | MNT | Tugrik |
120 | MOP | Pataca |
121 | MRU | Ouguiya |
122 | MUR | Mauritius Rupee |
123 | MVR | Rufiyaa |
124 | MWK | Kwacha |
125 | MYR | Malaysian Ringgit |
126 | MZN | Mozambique Metical |
127 | NAD | Namibia Dollar |
128 | NGN | Naira |
129 | NIO | Cordoba Oro |
130 | NPR | Nepalese Rupee |
131 | OMR | Rial Omani |
132 | PAB | Balboa |
133 | PEN | Nuevo Sol |
134 | PGK | Kina |
135 | PYG | Guarani |
136 | RWF | Rwanda Franc |
137 | SBD | Solomon Islands Dollar |
138 | SCR | Seychelles Rupee |
139 | SDG | Sudanese Pound |
140 | SHP | Saint Helena Pound |
141 | SLL | Leone |
142 | SOS | Somali Shilling |
143 | SRD | Surinam Dollar |
144 | STN | Dobra |
145 | SVC | El Salvador Colon |
146 | SYP | Syrian Pound |
147 | SZL | Lilangeni |
148 | TJS | Somoni |
149 | TMT | Turkmenistan New Manat |
150 | TOP | Pa'anga |
151 | TTD | Trinidad and Tobago Dollar |
152 | UAH | Hryvnia |
153 | UGX | Uganda Shilling |
154 | UYU | Peso Uruguayo |
155 | UYI | Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas |
156 | UZS | Uzbekistan Sum |
157 | VEF | Bolivar |
158 | VND | Dong |
159 | VUV | Vatu |
160 | WST | Tala |
161 | YER | Yemeni Rial |
162 | ZMW | Zambian Kwacha |
163 | RSD | Serbian Dinar |
164 | XAF | CFA Franc BEAC |
165 | XOF | CFA Franc BCEAO |
166 | XCD | East Caribbean dollar |
167 | XPF | CFP Franc |