Here we will use the Zones defined in Zones-CountryList and/or Zones-CountryList-Subzones to define the sender and receiver on a specific Route.
In many cases, there is one warehouse location that simply acts as the sender and/or receiver of goods, but sometimes there will be several warehouses locations and also cross trading. In Example 1, we will imagine a single warehouse in Denmark sending goods to Germany. So we will have defined a ZoneDE and ZoneDK in the Zones-CountryList tab. These 2 zones can then be referenced here to define sender and receiver.
Example 1:
If the sender or receiver location is not relevant to the price, it is also possible to use "N/A" instead of a Zone. Since there is only 1 sender warehouse in this example, it does not matter what is inputted as "Sender" since it won't impact the price, so "N/A" could be used as in example 2.
Example 2:
For import, where the customers receive goods, you should create a "Home" Zone in one of the Zones tabs with the customer's home location. This zone can then be inputted as ReceiverZone in a route, as in example 3.
Example 3:
Some carriers use the same product for both import and export, which means that we need to have both in one file. If this is the case, then it is a good idea to name the zones accordingly. In example 4, we have both export and import in the same file.
Example 4: