Today 17-Oct-2024 we deployed below changes and fixes to our Beta environment and later today also to our Accept environment.
The release to Production is scheduled Monday 21-Oct-2024.
Important announcement – changed behavior of Print button
In the shipment details page, we have changed the behavior of the Print button.
Before, when the shipment had status NEW or BOOK and you would press button Print, it would always do a delete + book + print call. One of the downsides of that, was that it would generate a new Track & Trace number.
Now, we will only do this when it detects that you have made actual changes to the shipment. If not, it will only do a print call, so when you open a shipment which is on NEW or BOOK and you don’t change any field but directly press button Print, it will not delete and rebook the shipment first.
Before the change:
After the change:
Various changes and fixes
- In the shipment details page, we have disabled the button Book for shipments with status LABL or higher. These shipments cannot be modified, because they are already printed and/or communicated to a carrier/receiver. We didn’t change any business logic, just disabled the button Book for shipments that couldn’t be changed anymore.
- We have improved the error message that appears when printing a shipment in the shipment details page while no printer is configured for the user.
- In menu Admin Panel > Accounts we have made the organization code mandatory to fill in because it's an important field used for the invoicing process. When creating/editing an account, the field is now prefilled with the value of the parent account and is made read only so you can't change it. If for some reason you need to change it, please reach out to our support department.
- The manifest list download call v2/shipments/{{account}}/manifest/list/download?... resulted in an error when there were no shipments to manifest. This is solved now.
- In the DevDocs in the deliveryNoteInformation sections we mention that the prices, values and weights are per article. We have now added the text "(per piece)" to those descriptions too because we want to make it absolutely clear that those fields should contain the value per piece. It's important data for paperless invoicing with some carriers.
Help shape the future of nShift Transsmart
We are conducting interviews with our end users to gather feedback. We are particularly curious about experiences of users who work daily in the shipment overview page and shipment details page of MyTranssmart. The interview takes about 30 minutes. Your input is very valuable to make our product even better suited to your needs. Interested? Contact us via mail and we will reach out to plan a meeting.
1 comment
Today 21-Oct-2024 we deployed the changes and fixes to our Production environment.