Today 22-Aug-2024 we deployed below changes and fixes to our Beta environment.
The release to Accept is scheduled Friday morning 23-Aug-2024.
The release to Production is scheduled next week Tuesday morning 27-Aug-2024.
A word in advance
You may have noticed that it took a bit longer until we released a new version of the API and MyTranssmart dashboard. This is certainly also due to the holiday period but also to 2 major internal projects that became available with this release. One, we upgraded MyTranssmart's framework, which needed quite some refactoring. And secondly, we took the first step integrating nShift Transsmart with nShift Portal so that the Track and Emissions Tracker products will soon be available to Transsmart customers as well. In the coming months, we will take the next steps in this and of course keep you informed via these release notes.
Help shape the future of nShift Transsmart
We are conducting interviews with our end users to gather feedback. We are particularly curious about experiences of users who work daily in the shipment overview page and shipment details page of MyTranssmart. The interview takes about 30 minutes. Your input is very valuable to make our product even better suited to your needs. Interested? Contact us via mail and we will reach out to plan a meeting.
Changes and improvements
Integration nShift Transsmart – nShift Portal (Track)
- In menu Manage account > Account Settings we have added a new field Portal Display Id. When an account is synced to nShift Portal, it will generate an Id and the value of that field will be shown in this read-only field.
Integration nShift Transsmart – nShift Returns
- In the Returns mapping we have changed the mapping of VariantId: changed from Composition to ArticleId. And CustomerId: changed from Account to Email.
- We have also changed the mapping of the field MarketCode. Before it was hardcoded to value “1” but now the value of the cost center will be sent.
API changes
- For customers with main and subaccounts, a user of the main account has the possibility to zoom into a subaccount and perform several actions e.g. sending in shipments via the API or get shipment retrieval data. When using that so-called ‘Act on behalf’ function, the system was not showing buy and/or sell rates of the subaccount either via API or via MyTranssmart. This is solved now; Act on behalf now also works for the Rates call.
- In week 18 (year 2024) we had added a new section 'customerDocuments' in which you can send in documents which are stored in our database and make these documents available for other processes afterwards. For more information please read the release notes and Zendesk article.
We have now also added the section customerDocuments in the bookingResponse. See
Various changes and fixes
- In menu Manage shipments in the Excel template file of 'Download shipments' and 'Import shipments' we have added the field Insurance in section Shipment Information, column G. Depending on your Excel language setting, you can fill in a value; in this example in Dutch "WAAR" for true and "ONWAAR" for false. In case you have enabled nShift Insurance in menu Manage Account, Insurance you can now import shipments which will be automatically insured when printing a label.
- In menu Manage shipments the function ‘Import shipments’ in some cases did not process the shipments in the Excel file but did return a message the import was successful. In this particular case the line number in the packages section of the Excel file was stored as text instead of as a number. This is solved by improving error message handling in the import shipments function of all types of fields (text, number, date, boolean).
- In menu Manifest you can download or print an overview of shipments. Before, the columns had a fixed width which caused some larger values, for instance the cost center, to always show 2 lines per shipment while some other columns were empty or had a lot of white space. We have now implemented column auto-scaling which will adjust the column width to the maximum field length.
- In some specific scenarios when trying to reset your password, it showed an error ‘TSG015 – Illegal base64 character 25’. This is solved now.
Today 23-Aug-2024 we deployed the changes and fixes to our Accept environment.
The release to Production is scheduled next week Tuesday morning 27-Aug-2024.
Today 27-Aug-2024 we deployed the new version to our Production environment.
We have noticed that due to changes in the shipment download/upload Excel file there are specific scenarios where uploading shipments with an existing template may fail. We request that you resolve this by doing a new shipment download and using that Excel file as the new template.
We have just deployed a fix to all environments related to the error handling of the shipment import via Excel. As we have improved the validations of some fields, the import could fail but we have noticed it did not generate a proper Excel file with the errors in the response. So troubleshooting was made difficult and we regret this; we apologise for this. That is solved now so instead of showing an error in the browser, it will generate an Excel file called 'invalid_shipments.xlsx' and in tab 'Errors' it will show the reason why shipment(s) were not imported. Examples:
In these examples, when sending in these fields, they should have a value e.g. "0". If you don't use these fields, you should not leave them empty or even hide the columns but delete the column from your template. Optional fields can be left out but if you include them (even when hidden) they will be validated.