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MyTranssmart/API - Release notes week 35 (2024)


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    Steffan Giebels

    Today 23-Aug-2024 we deployed the changes and fixes to our Accept environment.
    The release to Production is scheduled next week Tuesday morning 27-Aug-2024.

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    Steffan Giebels

    Today 27-Aug-2024 we deployed the new version to our Production environment.

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    Steffan Giebels

    We have noticed that due to changes in the shipment download/upload Excel file there are specific scenarios where uploading shipments with an existing template may fail. We request that you resolve this by doing a new shipment download and using that Excel file as the new template. 

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    Steffan Giebels

    We have just deployed a fix to all environments related to the error handling of the shipment import via Excel. As we have improved the validations of some fields, the import could fail but we have noticed it did not generate a proper Excel file with the errors in the response. So troubleshooting was made difficult and we regret this; we apologise for this. That is solved now so instead of showing an error in the browser, it will generate an Excel file called  'invalid_shipments.xlsx' and in tab 'Errors' it will show the reason why shipment(s) were not imported. Examples:

    • Error in cell: (Shipment Information:Value) Field not allowed to be blank/null
    • Error in cell: (Shipment Information:Price) Field not allowed to be blank/null
    • Error in cell: (General:Mail Template) Field not allowed to be blank/null

    In these examples, when sending in these fields, they should have a value e.g. "0". If you don't use these fields, you should not leave them empty or even hide the columns but delete the column from your template. Optional fields can be left out but if you include them (even when hidden) they will be validated.