If Carrier Specific Report etc. does not print automatically, try the steps below to solve the problem. We recommend getting help from an IT expert.
Are you able to print a Windows test page?
If not, make the IT expert find the error.
- Can you ping the printer?
- Does it have the correct driver?
- Restart the print spooler with assistance from the IT expert.
Are you able to print Consignor Fonts Test Page?
Even though you are able to print a configuration page, there can still be issues with the report printing.
- Select the printer under Setup>Server Printers and choose Advanced.
- Choose Consignor Fonts Test Page in the tab Commands and click Execute.
Is it a network printer or a local printer connected with USB?
- Local printers can be defined under Client Printers directly on the client
- Control Document Printer Mapping. Remember to check all levels in the setup structure.
Try the following:
User Access Control:
This requires a restart of the computer.
- Go to Start in Windows and choose Control Panel.
- Go to User Accounts and choose Change User Account Control settings.
- Put the point on the bar to Never notify at the bottom and click OK to make the change.
DEP - Data Execution Prevention
Requires restart.
Right-click This PC (or My Computer) and choose Properties.
Choose Advanced system settings.
Go to the tab Advanced, and choose Settings under Performance.
Go to the tab Data Execution Prevention. Turn on the function Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only.
Restart the machine.
Are you unable to deactivate DEP?
- Choose Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select.
- Add all .exe files from folder C:\Programmer(X86)\CONSIGNOR Client.
- Apply and click OK.
- Restart the system.
Consignor Service User:
Control Consignor Server Service user account. If it runs with a local system account, it could be an advantage to change it to a domain administrator account. Please note, if you change it, there might be issues with the rights on import and export folders.
What type is chosen in Consignor Server Printers? A4 should be Windows Page.
Control the rights on the printer and add system account and Consignor server service account if it exists and add the machine where the On-premises main installation runs, e.g. SQL01.
Remove End of Day report:
Try to remove the End of day report and test.
UNC path:
Add the printer with this UNC path in server printers. E.g \\printer5
Reinstall the printer
Install the printer directly in On-premises main installation. E.g. should not be "Printer5 on Printerserver" there.
Other A4 printers
Is it possible to get reports from other A4 printers?