A report with today's shipments is created when transmitting EDI to the carrier. It can be found inside Transmitted Batch in nShift On-premises and can be opened in a PDF reader and printed manually at any time. The name of the report varies from carrier to carrier but we refer to it as End of Day Report or Carrier Specific Report.
You can also set up automatic printing of the reports or send them by e-mail.
Read more about:
- Printing or e-mailing End of Day Report in nShift On-premises
- Additional settings for End of Day Reports printing
Printing or e-mailing End of Day Report in nShift On-premises
Follow these steps to activate an End of Day Report in nShift On-premises:
- Go to Setup in nShift On-premises and choose the subcarrier where you want to activate the Carrier Specific Report.
- Right-click in the area to the right and choose New > Carrier Specific Report.
- Specify the number of copies you want and select a printer. Remember that Carrier Specific Reports are documents optimized for A4.
- If you want the Carrier Specific Report in an e-mail, fill in the Email sender, Email sender name, and Email receivers fields.
- Click OK to save your settings. Your report will now automatically be printed or e-mailed when EDI is transmitted to the carrier.
Additional settings for End of Day Reports printing
To access the additional settings for End of Day Reports printing, go to Setup in nShift On-premises and add or edit the items End of day reports printing and End of day reports scheduling.
In the End of day reports printing configuration, you have the option of choosing server print, local print or manual print.
In the End of Day Reports Scheduler, you can schedule when and how often you want your End of Day Reports to be printed.
- Create a schedule by clicking New.
- Select how often the printing should take place.
- Fill in information about the date and time. You may also set up a time interval if you want the printing only within a defined time period.
- Finally select a printer and click OK.