It is possible to customize the e-mail sent from your mailback setup by adding HTML and variables.
Image with link: <a href="URL"><img src="NAME.png" align="left" alt="Logo" style="width:400px;height:auto;border:0px;"></a> (src must contain the full path to an online image)
Link: <a href="URL">name of link</a>
Image: <img src="NAME.png" align="left" alt="Logo" style="width:400px;height:auto;border:0px;"> (src must contain the full path to an online image)
Font: <p style="font:Yu Gothic Light; font-size: 14px;">
Table: <table style="width:500px; font:Yu Gothic Light; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: dotted #000000;">
- Linebreak in default text will push the text down.
Tracking in Portal: <a href="">tracking url</a>. Replace 40170726209226006283 with e.g. @@fld_ShipmentNumber@@. If the carrier only uses package number, replace with @@fld_FirstPackageNum@@. Note that XXXXX in the example must be replaced with your unique code. Read here how to create a public tracking URL to use for Mailback.
Tracking link to carrier. Same as track and trace link to Portal but replace with link to carrier, e.g. <a href="">@@ fld_FirstPackageNum @@</a>
Data from On-premises: @@fld_ShipmentNumber@@ change fld_ShipmentNumber with the data you want, go to production view / hit [Ctrl + alt + shift + f] to see field names
- @@fld_AdrPayerAddress1@@
- @@fld_ProdCarrier@@
- @@fld_AdrAttention@@
- @@fld_AdrName1@@
- @@fld_AdrPostNo@@
- @@fld_AdrCity@@
- @@fld_AdrSenderAddress1@@
- See the complete list of field names here.
Add the HTML into the Mail Heading field under the Default text tab. Use the Preview tab to see what the email looks like.