To use the third party pays service in nShift On-premises, go to Main > Production and check Third party pays in the group called Payer.
When Third party pays is checked, a contact list will open. This is a payer-specific contact list. Double-click on any saved contact to load it as the third party payer for the shipment.
Note: If it is not possible to select Receiver pays or Third party pays it means that it is not supported by the carrier. Send a request to our customer service if the carrier states otherwise.
Adding a new contact
If you do not have any contacts saved in the payer-specific contact list, you can add a new contact:
- Right-click in the contact list and select New Contact...
- Fill in the payer's contact information and click OK.
- When the contact is saved, you can add the contact's customer number at the carrier. Right-click on the contact and choose Edit.
- Navigate to the Accounts tab and choose Add.
- Enter the Carrier, Subcarrier, Kind and Value. Kind should be Account Number if you are adding the contact's customer number with the carrier. (NB: Some carriers may also require Agent Number filled - this can be added the same way as Account Number - just choose Agent Number in Kind.)
- Click OK to save. When the contact is saved, you can double-click it and it will be added to the shipment as a third party payer.
- The list can now be found under Contact List > Payer. Here you can add or edit existing contacts.