This article explains where the configuration of Delivery Checkout when used with Klarna differs from the standard configuration.
Sections in this article:
- Create a delivery checkout to use with Klarna
- Delivery options
- Custom addons
- DeliveryCheckout API
- Additional articles
Create a delivery checkout to use with Klarna
If you are new to Delivery Checkout, we recommend starting by reading these articles: Getting started with Checkout and Set up Delivery Checkout.
- Before getting started you must:
- Have a Klarna Checkout (KCOv3) integration.
- Have credentials to log in to the Klarna Merchant Portal.
- Be an nShift customer and have login credentials to nShift Delivery.
- Provide Klarna with nShift Delivery API credentials.
- Create the delivery checkout structure according to your needs entering the relevant information, for example, services, prices, and agents. Depending on your subscription plan you should use one of the following templates: Klarna - Essential, Klarna - Professional, Klarna - Premium or Klarna standard.
- Follow the setup instructions in Set up Delivery Checkout and Create a Delivery Checkout. Pay attention to the section below about Delivery options which is different for the Klarna flow.
Delivery Checkout flow with Klarna:
Delivery options
For most delivery options, services, prices and addons, it is possible to enter appliance conditions. You can also use advanced conditions to dynamically modify certain text fields. Before creating your delivery checkout it is recommended to explore delivery conditions further.
- The name you give the delivery option, for example, "Home", is for internal use only.
- Check the Disabled box if you do not want the delivery option to be used immediately. You can change the "Disabled" status at any time, for example, if there is a temporary problem with a carrier's service or if you only want to include this option at a certain time of year.
- Assign the delivery option to a Category, if relevant. If you use both sub levels and categories you should assign the sub level to a category instead. However, using categories can often replace using sub levels.
- Select a service, in the Service section.
- Click Add service.
If the service has agents/pickup points you can decide which and how many agents to show using geolocation. The distance to the nearest agents is calculated for every zip code. For example, "20" means that agents within a radius of 20 km from a defined GPS coordinate are shown.
Geolocation can only be used in Belgium (BE), Denmark (DK), Estonia (EE), Finland (FI), Germany (DE), Luxembourg (LU), the Netherlands (NL), Norway (NO), Sweden (SE) and Åland (AX).
- Enter a value in the Maximum radius (km) field if you want to show agents based on geolocation, otherwise it should be set to "0".
- With Maximum number of agents you can limit the number of agents that is shown based on geolocation. Max. 15 agents.
- Enter a value in the Maximum radius (km) field if you want to show agents based on geolocation, otherwise it should be set to "0".
- Click New or Free shipping in the Prices section to enter the service price.
- If New, enter the following in each currency section:
- the price to be displayed for each language, for example, "€ 7" in English (en)
- the price as a numerical value, for example, "7.0" in Price
- the tax rate to be applied, for example, "12" in Tax rate (%)
- If Free delivery, enter the following in each currency section:
- the text to be displayed, for example, "Free", in English (en)
- the cart value from which the delivery should be free, for example, "39.0", in Limit for free delivery
- In the Addons section, click the edit icon
to the left of an addon you want to activate or edit.
- Check Preselected, Mandatory or both if the addon should be preselected and/or mandatory in the webshop.
- Click New in the Prices section to enter prices for the addon.
- In each currency section, enter the price to be displayed for each language, for example, "€ 1" in English (en) and the price as a numerical value, for example, "1.0" in Price.
- If you click OK when leaving the Edit addon page, the addon is activated even if you have not entered any information.
- In the Badges section, you can select a type of badge that will be visible for the service, for example, 'eco-friendly' or 'recommended'.
- Click New.
- Click New.
- If New, enter the following in each currency section:
- Click OK.
- In the Delivery interval section, you can specify within how many days the delivery will take place at the earliest and latest respectively.
Earliest delivery (business days): 1
Latest delivery (business days): 3
The parcel will be delivered within 1 to 3 days.
- Click New in the Fields for titles section if you want add a title that should be used under certain conditions.
- In the Language section, enter a title in the languages you defined earlier.
Fields for titles is mandatory but will be overwritten by titles from your Klarna Checkout.
- In the Language section, enter a title in the languages you defined earlier.
- Click New in the Captions for field 1 section to add texts. Relevant text/information depends on your webshop set-up.
- In the Language section, enter the text in the languages you defined earlier, for example, ”Relevant text” in the English (en) field.
- In the Language section, enter the text in the languages you defined earlier, for example, ”Relevant text” in the English (en) field.
- Click New in the Sort order section to specify in what place the delivery option should appear.
- In the Number of days to delivery from today's date section, you can enter a value that will add days starting from today's date.
- Click New and enter an integer in the Value field.
- Click New and enter an integer in the Value field.
Earliest delivery time: 17:00
Latest delivery time: 22:00
Value: 2
If today's date is June 5 the parcel will be delivered between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. on June 7.
To add more delivery options for the delivery checkout, click New option on the New delivery checkout page and follow the steps above.
For some items, such as delivery options and prices you can change the order in which they appear in the webshop. Use the up and down
icons next to an item row or use Sort order as described above.
Custom agents are treated as a service and are added in the same way as other services.
Click Test to see how the delivery options will be displayed in the webshop depending on which parameters you enter.
"tocity" and "tozipcode" are always mandatory but for some carriers, other parameters may be required as well.
To show, edit or delete a delivery checkout, use the search function.
Custom addons
The custom addon 'Express packaging' is not related to certain delivery options.
- Go to Maintenance > Delivery checkout.
- When creating a new delivery checkout you enable custom addons on the New delivery checkout page.
- To enable custom addons on an existing delivery checkout, click the edit icon
to the left of the delivery checkout on the Delivery checkout page.
- Click the edit icon
to the left of an addon row in the Custom addons section.
- Check the Preselected box if the addon should be automatically chosen in advance. Check the Mandatory box if the addon should be required for the service.
Note: If you click OK when leaving the Edit addon page the addon is enabled even if you have not entered any information.
You disable a custom addon by clicking the delete icon to the left of the addon row.
Parameters - carrier-specific parameters
Some parameters already exist in the system, but you can also add your own. Parameters are configured in the GUI. If you do not set a default value, the parameter must be set in the API call. Parameters connected to the sender are set automatically.
Read more about Parameters here.
Notes about parameters with Klarna:
- Parameters/tags (text) can have a value (string). Separate the parameter/tag and the value with a colon (:).
Example: "products:4"
You can not use a numerical value with relative operators, such as ">" or "<".
Parameter/tag values can be used to create conditions for numerical values (text) by using condition lists for valid/invalid values.
- A tag/parameter can also be boolean.
The tag is sent to Klarna = true.
The tag is not sent to Klarna = false
Example: "freefreight"
DeliveryCheckout API is an integration service for communication between Delivery Checkout and your webshop. DeliveryCheckout API uses a REST API framework for communication with JSON as data carrier offering a number of functions.
Please find all the general documentation for the DeliveryCheckoutAPI here.
When used together with Klarna, there are a few special scenarios, which we will cover below. Please refer to Klarna's documentation on how to integrate KSS with Delivery Checkout.
We recommend that you provide Klarna with a fallback solution for every checkout session in case Klarna does not get a response from our API, for example, due to maintenance.
This way you ensure that your customers are always presented with shipping options.
Additional articles:
- Checkout setup
- Delivery conditions
- DeliveryCheckout API
- Custom agents
- Neutral services
- Subscription plans