Go to:
account (string)
Account for cash on delivery shipments
accountType (string)
Account type for cash on delivery shipments
Valid values:
- PGTXT: PlusGiro (Text reference)
- PGOCR: PlusGiro (OCR reference)
- BGTXT: BankGiro (Text reference)
- BGOCR: BankGiro (OCR reference)
- ACCDKOCR: Account Denmark (OCR reference)
- ACCDKTXT: Account Denmark (Text reference)
- ACCSETXT: Account Sweden (Text reference)
- ACCFI: Account Finland
- ACCFO: Account Faroe Islands
- ACCIS: Account Iceland
- ACCNO: Account Norway (Text reference)
- ACCNOOCR: Account Norway (OCR reference)
- ACCPL: Account Poland
- ACCDE: Account Germany
- ACCAX: Account Åland Islands
- AVISETXT: Advice Sweden (Text reference)
activate (boolean)
Activate a custom agent list when importing.
address1 (string)
First line in delivery/invoicing/postal address depending on object
address2 (string)
Second line in delivery/invoicing/postal address depending on object
adrClass (string)
ADR class
agentNo (string)
agentZipcodes (array)
Zipcodes connected to a custom agent.
alertCode (string)
- "STATUS_PRINTED" = Printed
- "STATUS_OUTFORDELIVERY" = Out for delivery
- "STATUS_DELIVERING" = Arrived to pick-up location
- "STATUS_DELIVERED" = Delivered
- "STATUS_PARTDELIVERED" = Partly delivered
- "STATUS_RETURNED" = Returned
- "STATUS_CANCELLED" = Discarded
- "STATUS_TRANSITION_PRINTED" = The status was changed to "Printed"
- "STATUS_TRANSITION_DISPATCHING" = The status was changed to "On route"
- "STATUS_TRANSITION_OUTFORDELIVERY" = The status was changed to "Out for delivery"
- "STATUS_TRANSITION_DELIVERING" = The status was changed to "Arrived to pick-up location"
- "STATUS_TRANSITION_DELIVERED" = The status was changed to "Delivered"
- "STATUS_TRANSITION_PARTDELIVERED" = The status was changed to "Partly delivered"
- "STATUS_TRANSITION_RETURNED" = The status was changed to "Returned"
- "STATUS_TRANSITION_CANCELLED" = The status was changed to "Discarded"
alertCreated (string)
Timestamp when nShift created the alert
alertInfo (string)
Currently hardcoded as "STATUS"
alertTime (string)
Timestamp when the alert (or the carrier's status/event) occurred
amount (number)
Amount for cash on delivery shipments
Min. 0
apiKey (string)
Customer's API key for posting order data
articleNo (string)
Article number
atLeastOneOf (array)
List of addons. One must be selected. More than one can be selected.
bank (string)
Bank, used for cash on delivery shipments
bcc (string)
Blind carbon copy email address
bookingEmail (string)
Booking office email, if provided by carrier
bookingId (string)
Booking ID number, if provided by carrier
bookingOffice (string)
Booking office, if provided by carrier
bulkId (string)
Bulk ID used by some carrier services
cargoFlight (boolean)
Cargo flight, used for certain additional services.
cc (string)
Carbon copy email address
certificate (string)
certificates1 (string)
Certificate 1
certificates2 (string)
Certificate 2
certificates3 (string)
Certificate 3
certificatesCode1 (string)
Certificate code 1
certificatesCode2 (string)
Certificate code 2
certificatesCode3 (string)
Certificate code 3
city (string)
Delivery/invoicing/postal city depending on object
code (string)
- Application code, when onboarding customers
- Main product code, when onboarding customers
- Selectable product code, when onboarding customers
- Selected product code, when onboarding customers
- Carrier code, when onboarding customers
- Field code, when onboarding customers
CUSTNO = Carrier customer number
consolidatedId ()
A consolidated shipment's ID
contact (string)
Contact person
container (string)
contents (string)
Parcel contents.
contractVersion (string)
Contract version, if provided by carrier
copies (integer)
Number of parcels or number of items in a customs declaration
Min. 1
count (integer)
country (string)
Delivery/invoicing/postal country depending on object
countryCode (string)
Country code
currencyCode (string)
Currency code
custNo (string)
Customer/contract number at the carrier
custNoIssuerCode (string)
Customer/contract number issuer code, if provided by carrier
customerNumber (string)
Customer/contract number at the carrier
customLabelText1 (string)
Custom label text field for customer specific layouts
customLabelText2 (string)
Custom label text field for customer specific layouts
customLabelText3 (string)
Custom label text field for customer specific layouts
customLabelText4 (string)
Custom label text field for customer specific layouts
customLabelText5 (string)
Custom label text field for customer specific layouts
customLabelText6 (string)
Custom label text field for customer specific layouts
customsContents (string)
Customs: Contents
customsNetWeight (number)
Customs: Net weight
Min. 0
customsOtherQuantity (number)
Customs: Other quantity
Min. 0
customsOtherUnit (string)
Customs: Other unit
customsSourceCountryCode (string)
Customs: Source country code
customsStatNo (string)
Customs: HS Tariff Code (stat no)
customsSubStatNo1 (string)
Customs: Additional codes, substatno
customsValue (number)
Customs: Value
Min. 0
declarant (string)
declarantCity (string)
Declarant city
declarantDate (string)
Declarant date
declarationPayerId (string)
Customs payer's customs ID
declarationReceiverId (string)
Receiver's/importer's customs ID
declarationSenderId (string)
Sender's/exporter's customs ID
declarationTransactionType (string)
Transaction type
deliveryCheckoutId (string)
Delivery Checkout ID, incl. version, generated from the Delivery Checkout configuration
deliveryDate (string)
Desired delivery date
Supplied as YYYY-MM-DD
deliveryInstruction (string)
Delivery instruction used by some services
deliveryTimeEarliest (string)
Desired delivery time, earliest
Supplied as HH:MM
deliveryTimeLatest (string)
Desired delivery time, latest
Supplied as HH:MM
description (string)
description2 (string)
Extra product description
destinationCountryCode (string)
Destination country code
destinationLocation (string)
Destination location, if provided by carrier
developerId (string)
User ID of the account creating the shipment. Normally used by partners when posting data on behalf of others.
dhlair (string)
DHL Express
dhlairplt (string)
DHL Express Paperless Trade
dhlroadstd (string)
DHL Customs Standard
discount (number)
Discount that is automatically subtracted from other amounts
Should be a negative value
documentType (string)
Document type, used for certain additional services
done (boolean)
- "true" = There is no more data to retrieve
- "false" = Continue incrementing fetchId until all data has been retrieved
doorCode (string)
Door code in an apartment block
ediAddress (string)
EDI address, if provided by carrier
ediForward (boolean)
Specifies if electronic pre-advice (EDI) should be sent to carrier
ediKey (string)
Key for EDI transfer, if provided by carrier
ediPassword (string)
Password for EDI transfer, if provided by carrier
ediUserId (string)
User ID for EDI transfer, if provided by carrier
edocNormal (boolean)
Valid values:
- "yes" = Export, normal procedure
- "no" = Export, commercial item list attached
email (string)
Email address
ems (string)
enot (boolean)
Display in pre-notification message
errorTo (string)
Error message email receiver
exclude (array)
List of addons that cannot be selected together
explanation (string)
Explanation (only if importExportType is set to other)
exportCountryCode (string)
Export country code
exportDeclaration1 (string)
Default value: "I declare that of the best of my knowledge the information on this invoice is"
exportDeclaration2 (string)
Default value: "true and correct."
exportLicenseNo (string)
Export license number
externalIdentifier (string)
External identifier, if provided by carrier
extraDescription (string)
Additonal description
favorite (string)
Printing favorite. A printing favorite can be used to provide values that are needed to complete the request, if not provided by the front end system.
fax (string)
Fax number
fetchId (string)
Value used as parameter for the following call
Normally always incremented by 1
fields (array)
List of fields that can be entered for an addon.
List of fields with carrier data that should be provided when onboarding customers.
finance1 (string)
Financial information
finance2 (string)
Financial information
flashPoint (string)
Flash point
freeText1 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions, printed on shipping documents
Recommended length 30 characters
freeText2 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions, printed on shipping documents
Recommended length 30 characters
freeText3 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions, printed on shipping documents
Recommended length 30 characters
freeText4 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions, printed on shipping documents
Recommended length 30 characters
freightCharges (number)
Freight charges
Min. 0
from (string)
Reply-to email address
generalNote2 (string)
General description of the contents, for customs
generalNote3 (string)
General description of the contents, for customs
generalNote4 (string)
General description of the contents, for customs
genericKeyValues (key-value pair)
Meta data associated with a delivery option
goodsDescription (string)
Goods description used by some carrier services
goodsMark1 (string)
Goods marking
goodsMark2 (string)
Goods marking
goodsMark3 (string)
Goods marking
goodsMark4 (string)
Goods marking
goodsMark5 (string)
Goods marking
goodsMark6 (string)
Goods marking
grossWeight (number)
Gross weight
Min. 0
handOverCode (string)
Handover code, if provided by carrier
hazardCode (string)
Hazard class/Sub label number
height (number)
Parcel height
Min. 0
id (string)
- Additional service ID. Please refer to Help> Code lists for valid additional service IDs.
- Agent ID - agent in a Delivery Checkout
- Carrier ID. Please refer to Help> Code lists for valid carrier IDs.
- Option ID
- "enot" = Email pre-notification
- "lnkprtn" = Link to print, normal
- "lnkprtr" = Link to Print, return
- "consolidation" = Shipment consolidation
- Options ID - delivery option in a Delivery Checkout
- Service ID. Please refer to Help> Code lists for valid carrier, service and additional service IDs.
- Suboptions ID - delivery suboption in a Delivery Checkout
importExportType (string)
Import/export type
Valid values:
- "temporary"
- "reexport"
- "gift"
- "documents"
- "sample"
- "return"
- "other" (requires the explanation value)
- "permanent"
- "internal"
importLicenseNo (string)
Import license number
infoCode (string)
Info code, if provided by carrier
insuranceCharges (number)
Insurance charges
Min. 0
invoiceDeclaration1 (string)
Default value: "The exporter of the products covered by this document declares that, except"
invoiceDeclaration2 (string)
Default value: "where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of EU preferential origin."
invoiceEmail (string)
Email address for invoicing
invoiceInfo (string)
Information about invoicing procedure
invoiceNo (string)
Invoice number
invoiceType (string)
Invoice type
Valid values:
- "proforma" = proforma invoice
- "standard" = commercial invoice
itemNo (string)
Item number used for certain services
jobTitle (string)
Declarant job title
key (string)
Custom agent list name. Required when importing a custom agent list.
kLevel (string)
Volume level. Estimated annual parcel volume level when onboarding a customer via the Onboarding API.
Valid values:
- "1000" = 0 - 1,000 parcels
- "2500" = 1,001 - 2,500 parcels
- "5000" = 2,501 - 5,000 parcels
- "10000" = 5,001 - 10,000 parcels
- "20000" = 10,001 - 20,000 parcels
- "30000" = 20,001 - 30,000 parcels
- "50000" = 30,001 - 50,000 parcels
- "70000" = 50,001 - 70,000 parcels
- "100000" = 70,001 - 100,000 parcels
language (string)
Valid values:
- "da" = Danish
- "en" = English
- "fi" = Finnish
- "no" = Norwegian"
- "sv" = Swedish
languageCode (string)
Language code for Pre-notification email and Link to print.
Valid values:
- "se" = Swedish
- "en" = English
- "dk" = Danish
- "fi" = Finnish
length (number)
Parcel length
Min. 0
limitedQuantities (boolean)
Limited quantities
linkPrintKey (string)
Unique value for Link to print if it is desirable to know how the final link would look like
loadingMeters (number)
Load meters
Min. 0
login (string)
User ID for a customer account in nShift Delivery
mailTemplate (string)
Email template name for Branded email pre-notification only
mainproducts (array)
Included/mandatory products in parent application when onboarding customers
mapLatitude (decimal)
mapLongitude (decimal)
marking (string)
Goods marking
mergeId (string)
Consolidation key used for Consolidated shipment.
message (string)
Message in Pre-notification email or Link to print
minDelay (integer)
How long you have to wait, in milliseconds, before calling again
misc (string)
Miscellaneous value used by various additional services
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
miscType (string)
Type of miscellaneous value used by various additional services
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for available types.
mobile (string)
Cell phone number
mpCode (string)
MP code
name (string)
- Name
- Application name
- Carrier name
- Company name
netVolume (number)
Net volume
netWeight (number)
Net weight
Min. 0
nonDeliveryType (string)
Instruction to carrier in case the shipment cannot be delivered for certain services
Valid values:
- "return"
- "returnair"
- "returneco"
- "abandon"
normalShipment (boolean)
Specifies if the shipment is an outbound shipment
note (string)
Internal value that is not printed on any documents
notifyCode1 (string)
notifyCode2 (string)
notifyCode3 (string)
oneOf (array)
List of addons.
At least one must be selected. Only one can be selected.
orderNo (string)
Internal order number
Not printed on any documents
orgNo (string)
Corporate identity number, for Sweden only
otherCharges (number)
Other charges
Min. 0
otherQuantity (number)
Quantity of other unit
Min. 0
otherUnit (string)
Other unit
Valid values:
- "gram"
- "m2" = meters squared
- "liter"
- "pair"
- "piece"
packageCode (string)
Package code
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for available package types.
packageText (string)
Package text used for certain services
packageType (string)
Package type
palletRegNo (string)
Pallet registration number for EUR-pallet pool
parcelCount (integer)
Number of parcels in a shipment
Min. 0
parcelNo (string)
Parcel ID
parcelNos (array of string)
Custom specified parcel ID
The array should contain as many parcel ID:s as number of copies. Special license key is required to post this value.
partnerId (string)
Carrier partner ID
partners (array)
Carrier information for selectable/selected products (and possibly main products) when onboarding customers.
passengerFlight (boolean)
Passenger flight, used for certain additional services
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
paymentMethodType (string)
Payment method for certain services
Valid values:
- "invo" = credit without delivery note
- "invodn" = credit with delivery note
- "metered" = domestic franking
pdfInsert (string)
PDF file name used by OneDoc (Integrated document)
phone (string)
Contact person's phone number
pickupBooking (boolean)
Request pickup
pickupDate (string)
Pickup date
Supplied as YYYY-MM-DD
pickupMisc (string)
Miscellaneous pickup instructions
pickupText1 (string)
Custom pickup instructions
pickupTime (string)
Desired pickup time
Supplied as HH:MM
pickupTimeFrom (string)
Earliest pickup time
Supplied as HH:MM
pickupTimeTo (string)
Latest pickup time
Supplied as HH:MM
prepareId (string)
ID of a prepared shipment or a partial shipment created from the Delivery Checkout configuration. It is used when printing a shipment or creating a stored shipment.
price (number)
Min. 0
printDate (string)
Date of printing
printer (string)
Sends the print job to corresponding printer mapping set in OnlinePrinter
printSet (array)
Specifies which documents should be printed.
By default, all necessary shipment documents are printed. Mainly used for customs declaration documents.
procedure (string)
profileGroup (string)
Profile group where the shipment is stored in your account
quantity (integer)
Quantity of package type
Min. 0
quickId (string)
Corresponds to an address party's quick ID value in nShift Delivery.
If used, it is the only value needed in the request since the rest of the party's information will be fetched from nShift Delivery.
receiverReference (string)
Receiver's reference.
Recommended length 17 characters, without blank spaces.
reference (string)
referenceAsBarcode (boolean)
Prints reference value as barcode on label
Available for some services
referenceType (string)
Reference type
Valid values:
- "txt"
- "ocr" (The OCR type has check digit calculation.)
representative1 (string)
Declarant's/agent's representative 1
representative2 (string)
Declarant's/agent's representative 2
representativeOrgNo (string)
Declarant's/agent's organization number
returnParcelNo (string)
Return parcel ID
returnShipment (boolean)
Specifies if the shipment is a return shipment
route (string)
For internal route coding.
Not printed on any documents.
selectableProducts (Array)
Selectable products in parent application when onboarding customers.
selectedOptionId (string)
ID of the delivery option a consumer has selected in a Delivery Checkout.
sendEmail (boolean)
Send Link to Print email message
senderId (string)
Used to specify domestic EDI prefix, if provided by carrier.
senderReference (string)
Shipment reference.
Recommended length 17 characters, without blank spaces.
separation (string)
serviceId (string)
Carrier service ID
shipDate (string)
Shipping date. Delays EDI transfer until this date.
Default: Current/shipment creation date. Supplied as YYYY-MM-DD. Special license key is required to post this value.
shipment Id (string)
A shipment's ID
shipmentNo (string)
Shipment number
shipperLoadAndCount (integer)
Shipper load and count
Min. 0
shippingCodeBorder (string)
Means of transport at the border
Valid values:
- "sea"
- "rail"
- "road"
- "air"
- "post"
- "fixed"
- "water" = transport on inner waterways
- "own" = own propulsion
shippingCodeDomestic (string)
Means of domestic transport
Valid values:
- "sea"
- "rail"
- "road"
- "air"
- "post"
- "fixed"
- "water" = transport on inner waterways
- "own" = own propulsion
sms (string)
Contact person's sms/mobile phone number
sortPos (string)
Sorting position, if provided by carrier
sourceCode (string)
Source code, if provided by carrier
sourceCountryCode (string)
Source country code
stackable (boolean)
Parcel can be stacked
Used for some services
state (string)
Delivery/postal/invoicing state, depending on object
statNo (string)
HS Tariff Code (stat no)
subId (string)
Neutral carrier ID.
Only for neutral carriers and defined by the customer
subStatNo1 (string)
Additional codes, substatno
subStatNo2 (string)
Additional codes, substatno
target1LayoutFilter (array)
- "null" = The system selects layouts
- Specify layouts = The system selects from that list.
- "!" as first value in the list = The layouts that follow are excluded
target1Media (string)
Label size/paper size
Valid values:
- "laser-a5" = Single A5 label
- "laser-2a5" = Two A5 labels on A4 paper
- "laser-ste" Two STE labels (107x251 mm) on A4 paper
- "laser-a4" = Normal A4 used for waybills, customs declaration documents etc.
- "thermo-se" = 107 x 251 mm thermo STE label
- "thermo-190" = 107 x 190 mm thermo label
- "thermo-brev3" = 107 x 72 mm thermo label
- "thermo-165" = 107 x 165 mm thermo label
target1Options (key-value pair)
Key | Value |
mode |
"DT" = Direct thermal printers "TT" = Thermal transfer printers |
rotate |
"NONE" "180" = Rotate the printing 180 degrees |
dpi |
"203" "300" |
charset |
"CP850" (ZPL default) "UTF8" Even when UTF8 is used, the standard font in the printer normally only supports cp850 characters. |
printmode |
"T" = Tear-off (default) "P" = Peel-off (not available on S-300) "R" = Rewind (depends on printer model) "A" = Applicator (depends on printer model) "C" = Cutter (depends on printer model) "D" = Delayed cutter "F" = RFID "K" = Kiosk |
speed |
(ZPL only) Min. value: 2 Max. value: 8 |
darkness |
(ZPL only) Min. value: 0 Max. value: 30 |
(ZPL only) Z64 = Binary compression ascii = ASCII compression Some printers, even though supporting ZPL, may have problems with or not support the compression methods. |
target1Type (string)
Output type for media
Valid values:
- "zpl"
- "pdf"
If target media is a laser format, the target type must be pdf.
target1XOffset (float)
Horizontal offset in millimeters to adjust label positioning on paper to compensate for printer margins
target1YOffset (float)
Vertical offset in millimeters to adjust label positioning on paper to compensate for printer margins
technicalDescr (string)
Technical description
tempMax (number)
Maximum temperature, for some additional services
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
tempMin (number)
Minimum temperature, for some additional services
Refer to Help > Code lists in your account for more information.
termCode (string)
Delivery terms
terminal (string)
Destination terminal, if provided by carrier
termLocation (string)
Defines the place where goods are taken over according to delivery terms.
Used for customs declaration
termsCode (string)
Specifies delivery terms
Please refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for delivery terms.
termsLocation (string)
Location where takeover for the specified delivery term is done
Used for shipments
termsLocationIdentifier (string)
Location identifier where takeover for the specified delivery term is done
termsOfPayment (string)
Terms of payment
test (boolean)
Prints 'TEST' on labels and disables EDI forwarding
Pre-notification emails will still be sent if specified for the shipment.
text1 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text10 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text2 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text3 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text4 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text5 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text6 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service. Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text7 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text8 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
text9 (string)
Usage varies, depending on additional service
Refer to Help > Code lists in nShift Delivery for more information.
to (string)
Receiver email address
totalEurPallets (integer)
Total number of EUR pallets in shipment
Min. 0
totalHalfPallets (integer)
Total number of half pallets in shipment
Min. 0
totalLoadingMeters (number)
Total amount of loading meters for shipment
Min. 0
totalPallets (integer)
Total number of pallets in shipment
Min. 0
totalPieces (integer)
Total number of pieces for shipment
Min. 0
totalQuantity (integer)
Quantity for sort/quant for DHL
Min. 0
totalQuarterPallets (integer)
Total number of quarter pallets in shipment
Min. 0
totalSortCode (string)
Sort code for sort/quant for DHL
totalVolume (number)
Total shipment volume
Min. 0
totalWeight (number)
Total shipment weight
Min. 0
tplFormat (boolean)
Switches sender's and dispatch address on label
Third party logistics companies only
trCode (string)
Tunnel restriction code
type (string)
Type of pre-notification
Valid values:
Type of custom agent import
Valid values:
- "normal" = agent list based on geolocation
- "zipcode" = agent list based on zipcode range
unCode (string)
UN code
unitCode (string)
Unit code, if instructed by carrier
userTerms (string)
Disclaimer text
userTermsLink (string)
External link to nShift's terms and conditions
value (number)
Customs value
valueAmount (string)
The shipment's value, for some services
valueCurrencyCode (string)
The shipment value's currency, for certain services.
valuePerParcel (boolean)
"true" = information for each parcel individually
"false" = information for an entire row of parcels
valuesPerItem (boolean)
"true" = values per item
"false" = values in total
vatNo (string)
Company VAT number
volume (number)
Parcel volume
Min. 0
waybillCod (integer)
Cash on delivery amount on waybill
Min. 0
waybillCod342 (integer)
Cash on delivery amount for 342 on waybill
Min. 0
waybillCondition (string)
Free text field for Waybill Condition information on waybill
Recommended length 30 characters
waybillDocuments1 (string)
Free text field for Waybill Documents information on waybill
Recommended length 30 characters.
waybillDocuments2 (string)
Free text field for Waybill Documents information on waybill
Recommended length 30 characters
waybillEurCertificate (integer)
Waybill EUR certificate
Min. 0
waybillExportNotification (integer)
Waybill export notification
Min. 0
waybillFreeText1 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions
Recommended length 30 characters. Printed on waybill documents.
waybillFreeText2 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions
Recommended length 30 characters. Printed on waybill documents.
waybillFreeText3 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions
Recommended length 30 characters. Printed on waybill documents.
waybillFreeText4 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions
Recommended length 30 characters. Printed on waybill documents.
waybillFreeText5 (string)
Free text field, for example, delivery instructions
Recommended length 30 characters. Printed on waybill documents.
waybillHomeDelivery342 (integer)
Number of Home Delivery 342 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillInvoice (integer)
Waybill invoice
Min. 0
waybillSpecialAgreement (string)
Free text field for Special Agreement information on waybill
Recommended length 30 characters.
waybillUnits332 (integer)
Number of 332 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillUnits334 (integer)
Number of 334 units on waybill. Min. 0
waybillUnits336 (integer)
Number of 336 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillUnits342 (integer)
Number of 342 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillUnits370 (integer)
Number of 370 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillWeight332 (number)
Weight of 332 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillWeight334 (number)
Weight of 334 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillWeight336 (number)
Weight of 336 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillWeight342 (number)
Weight of 342 units on waybill
Min. 0
waybillWeight370 (number)
Weight of 370 units on waybill
Min. 0
weight (number)
Parcel weight
Min. 0
width (number)
Parcel width
Min. 0
yCode1 (string)
Y-code 1
yCode2 (string)
Y-code 2
yCode3 (string)
Y-code 3
yCode4 (string)
Y-code 4
yCode5 (string)
Y-code 5
zipcode (string)
Delivery/invoicing/postal zip code