This article includes the most frequently asked questions about the data in nShift's Unifaun analytics.
What currency is shown in the app?
Costs are shown with the currency used in the agreement for the specific service. When filtering by currency, only shipments with the selected currency be shown.
Can I add consignments that are not booked through nShift?
Yes, it is possible to import copies of shipments booked through other channels using nShift's Shipment Hub feature. If shipments are imported they will also be included in the apps. They can also be used for other purposes such as price calculation, status tracking, and customer notifications.
Please contact your sales representative or our technical support to learn more about Shipment Hub.
Can I define my own KPIs?
Yes, if you use an Analytics Custom app you can define your own KPIs based on the data that is available. We recommend that you start using Analytics Enterprise standard app to learn about the data quality for your specific consignments and carriers before you start defining your KPIs.
What data is available to be used in an Analytics Custom app?
NB! The available data set may be subject to change without further notice.
The following data set is available to be used in an Analytics Custom app. The exact meaning of each field may vary due to customer- and/or carrier-specific configuration. The design of a Custom app is a project that is done in cooperation between nShift and the customer.
- dateKey
- date
- globalCustomerID
- uniqueCustomerID
- globalUserID
- uniqueUserID
- globalConsignmentID
- uniqueConsignmentID
- appOrigin
- domainPK
- domainID
- domainGroup
- consignmentPK
- consignmentID
- accountPK
- templateName
- templatePK
- internalCarrierGroupDefinition
- carrierName
- originalCountry
- deliveryCountry
- productName
- productCode
- source
- packages
- totalWeight
- totalWeightUnit
- totalVolume
- totalVolumeUnit
- calculatedPrice
- calculatedPriceCurrency
- addService1
- transportMode
- office
- consignmentCreated
- consignmentUpdated
- consignmentOrdered
- consignmentCanceled
- consignmentOrderSent
- consignmentBookingSent
- consignmentDeletedDate
- consignmentDeleted
- consignmentConsolidated
- extractedDate
- profileName
- productIsAbstract
- productIsRestrictedAccess
- productIsOfficial
- productPK
- productFK
- carrierGroup
- carrierCompanyName
- carrierCountryCode
- goodsIsDangerous
- totalLoadingMetres
- totalPalletSpace
- totalNoOfPackages
- addService2
- addService3
- calculatedNetPrice
- calculatedPriceDate
- calculatedPriceDescription
- calculatedPriceSource
- calculatedPriceValidTo
- calculatedVolume
- calculatedWeight
- estimatedTimeOfDeparture
- paymentInstruction
- pickupDate
- pickupDateCarrier
- pickupEarliest
- pickupLatest
- pickupLocation
- tod
- todCountry
- todLocation
- todNotes
- originalTaCustomerNo
- originalName
- originalAddressline1
- originalAddressline2
- originalCity
- originalPostCode
- originalContactPerson
- originalPhone
- originalMobile
- originalEmail
- deliveryTaCustomerNo
- deliveryName
- deliveryAddressline1
- deliveryAddressline2
- deliveryCity
- deliveryPostCode
- deliveryContactPerson
- deliveryPhone
- deliveryMobile
- deliveryEmail
- originalTransportAgreementPK
- originalAgreementCustomerNumber
- originalTaName
- originalTaAccountID
- deliveryTransportAgreementPK
- deliveryAgreementCustomerNumber
- deliveryTaName
- deliveryTaAccountID
- consignmentNo
- orderNo
- consigneeReference
- consignmentAmended
- consignmentDateFinalized
- consignmentFrozen
- consignmentstatus
- consignmentTargetDate
- consignmentTargetDateCarrier
- consignmentTargetEarliest
- consignmentTargetLatest
- consignmentDateArchived
- bookingNo
- originalId
- deliveryId
- DateKey
- Date
- uniqueCustomerID
- globalCustomerID
- globalConsignmentID
- uniqueConsignmentID
- appOrigin
- domainGroup
- domainPK
- domainID
- consignmentId
- consignmentNo
- packageId
- dateCreated
- statusCode
- statusDescription
- statusInternalName
- statusLocation
- statusLocationCode
- statusLocationCountry
- statusName
- statusNotes
- statusReason
- statusReference
- statusReportedBy
- statusSource
- statusTime
What data is included in the Analytics Enterprise app?
NB! The available data set may be subject to change without further notice.
The following data set is included in the Analytics Enterprise app and included in export from the Details sheet:
- Consignment Number
- Order Number
- Booking Number
- Consignee Reference
- Date Ordered
- From Name
- From Street
- From Postcode
- From City
- From Country
- To Name
- To Street
- To City
- To Postcode
- To Country
- Mode
- Carrier
- Service
- Total Weight [kg]
- Packages
- Total Volume [m3]
- Total Loading Meters [LDM]
- Calculated Price
- Currency
- Domain
- User
- Template
- Pickup Date
- Latest Status Group
- Latest Status Name
- Latest Status Date Created
- is Confirmed
- is Pickup
- is Delivered
- is Exception
- Shipments