Here is an overview of the different data sheets in the Analytics Enterprise app:
The Details sheet shows data if less than 100 000 shipments are selected. All selected shipments can be exported to Excel by right-clicking in the table.
- Consignment Number: Number on the shipment as set by the carrier, shipper or nShift.
- Order Number: Often called “Shippers Reference”.
- Booking Number: Number that may be returned by the carrier.
- Consignee Reference: Consignee Reference if used.
- Date Ordered: Date the order is made (CET).
- From Name: From pickup address, or consignor if no pickup .
- From Street: From pickup address, or consignor if no pickup. First address line.
- From Postcode: From pickup address, or consignor if no pickup.
- From City: From pickup address, or consignor if no pickup.
- From Country: From pickup address, or consignor if no pickup.
- To Name: From delivery address, or consignee if no delivery.
- To Street: From delivery address, or consignee if no delivery. First address line.
- To City: From delivery address, or consignee if no delivery.
- To Postcode: From delivery address, or consignee if no delivery.
- To Country: From delivery address, or consignee if no delivery.
- Mode: Transport mode as defined by nShift.
- Carrier: Carrier name in nShift’s service.
- Service: Service name.
- Total Weight [kg]: Total weight as registered in kilograms.
- Packages: Number of packages.
- Total Volume [m3]: Total volume as registered in cubic meter.
- Total Loading Meters [LDM]: Total loading meters as registered.
- Calculated Price: Price calculated according to the tariff, based on registered parameters.
- Currency: Currency on the calculated price.
- Domain: “Domain” in nShift's service.
- User: User name in nShift's service.
- Template: Template name in nShift's service.
- Pickup Date: The pickup date registered in the booking (requested pick-up date)
- Latest Status Group: Status group for the latest status received.
- Latest Status Name: Carrier name for the latest status received.
- Latest Status Date Created: Date and time when the last status was received (CET).
- is Confirmed: Set to 1 if the shipment is confirmed. Otherwise 0.
- is Pickup: Set to 1 if the shipment has the status Pickup. Otherwise 0.
- is Delivered: Set to 1 if the shipment has the status Delivered. Otherwise 0.
- is Exception: Set to 1 if the shipment has the status Exception. Otherwise 0.
The Carrier sheet is designed to analyze specific carriers and to be used in carrier reviews.
- Paying part: Paying part shown as a donut chart based on number of shipments. P = Pre-payed (Consignor), C = Collect (Consignee), T = Third party (cross-trade).
- Total Weight: Total weight of the selection in kilograms (converted if booked in a different unit)
- Total Volume: Total volume of the selectin in cubic meters (converted if booked in a different unit)
- Total Price: Total calculated price for the selection. One specific currency must be selected on the right-hand side. Prices are shown in the currency of the tariff. No conversion is done.
- Carrier/Service: Carrier sized by the number of shipments (drill-down: Carrier/Service).
- Period: Shows the number of shipments made each month. Use this chart to make a time range selection.
- Carrier Chart: Shows as default the number of shipments made each month by type of transport (drill-down: Mode/Carrier/Service). The measure can be altered to show Weight per Consignment, Price per consignment, Loading Meter per Consignment, Volume per Consignment, Price per kg, Price per m3, Price per LDM, Total Price (calculated), Total Weight, Total volume, Total Loading Meters, and Packages.
- Carrier Pivot: Shows a set of KPI:s including Shipments, Weight per Consignment, Price per consignment, Loading Meter per Consignment, Volume per Consignment, Price per kg, Price per m3, Price per LDM, Total Price (calculated), Total Weight, Total volume, Total Loading Meters, and Packages.
The table is grouped by carrier as default, but the grouping can be changed by moving the boxes in the top left-hand corner (Carrier, Service, Year Month, To Country, To Post Zone, From Country, From Post Zone, and Currency).
Right-click in the table to export the current layout and data to Excel.
The Status sheet is used to analyze the status quality from the carriers and other status sources.
- Shipments: Number of shipments included in the current selection.
- Any status: Percentage of the shipments with any status (excluding system statuses). Use the filter box below to select only shipments with (1) or without (0) a status.
- Confirmed: Percentage of the shipments with a status classified as Confirmed (the exact name and code of such status may vary by carrier and service). Use the filter box to the right to select only shipments with (1) or without (0) a confirmed status.
- Pickup: Percentage of the shipments with a status classified as Pickup (the exact name and code of such status may vary by carrier and service). Use the filter box to the right to select only shipments with (1) or without (0) a pickup status.
- Delivered: Percentage of the shipments with a status classified as Delivered (the exact name and code of such status may vary by carrier and service). Use the filter box to the right to select only shipments with (1) or without (0) a delivered status.
- Exception: Percentage of the shipments with a status classified as Exception (the exact name and code of such status may vary by carrier and service). Use the filter box to the right to select only shipments with (1) or without (0) an exception status.
- From: Pick-up country/City/Name shown as a donut chart based on number of shipments . Drill down.
- To: Delivery country/City/Name shown as a donut chart based on number of shipments . Drill down.
- Period:Shows the number of shipments made each month. The period can be altered to weeks and dates. Use this chart to make time range selection.
- Shipments with status:The chart shows the number of shipments made (as a line) and with any status (as bars) by carrier. The meaning of the bars and the line can be altered to show the number of shipments with a confirm, pickup, delivered or exception status by using the dropdown menus on the left-hand side. The X-axis can be altered to show time periods, carriers, services or domains.
The chart can be used to compare the level of status reporting between carriers or for a specific (or all) carrier over time. - Statuses: This is a pivot table that shows the number of shipments in total and the number of shipments with each status category. The table is by default grouped by carrier but the grouping can be changed by moving the boxes in the top left-hand corner (Carrier, Service, From Country, From City, From Name, To Country, To City, and To Name). Each dimension can also be expanded to show the next level.
Right-click in the table to export the current layout and data to Excel.
The Flow-sheet is designed to analyze transport flows.
- Shipments: Number of shipments included in the current selection.
- Company ID: Filter on company ID, i.e. domain. Used if several domains are included in the data.
- User: Filter on User in Unifaun’s system. Can be a personal user or for example an integration user.
- From: Pick-up country shown as a donut chart based on number of shipments (drilldown: Country/City/Name). The chart can be altered to show City, Post Zone, Postcode and Name.
- To: Delivery country shown as a donut chart based on number of shipments (drilldown: Country/City/Name). The chart can be altered to show City, Post Zone, Postcode and Name.
- Period: Shows the number of shipments made each month. The time period can be altered to weeks and dates. Use this chart to make a time range selection or use the filter boxes on the far right to quickly select specific years, months, weeks, or dates.
- Shipment Profile: Shows as default the number of shipments within each pre-defined weight bracket (shown on the X-axis) split by Type of transport (drill-down: Mode/Carrier/Service). Use the dropdown menus at the bottom to alter the chart and instead show by Volume Group or Load Meter Group. The split can be changed to Domain, Mode, Carrier, and Service.
- Shipment Trend: Shows as default the number of shipments made during each month by Type of transport (drill-down: Mode/Carrier/Service). The measure can be changed to show total weight, total volume, or total loading meters instead of shipments. The period can be changed to weeks and dates. It’s also possible to show data year on year by selecting Year on the Y-axis and Month or Week on the X-axis.
The Dashboard shows a quick overview of the data in the app.
- Flow: Number of shipments included in the app. Link to the Flow sheet.
- From: Pick-up country/City/Name sized by number of shipments. Drill down.
- To: Delivery country/City/Name sized by number of shipments. Drill down.
- Year to Date: Number of shipments made this year until yesterday, and the number of shipments made the same period last year.
- Month to Date: Number of shipments made this month until yesterday, and number of shipments made the period last year.
- Status: Share of shipments with any carrier status. Link to the Status sheet.
- Confirmed: Share of shipments with the status Confirmed (according to Unifaun’s grouping).
- Pickup: Share of shipments with the status Pickup (according to Unifaun’s grouping).
- Delivered: Share of shipments with the status Delivered (according to Unifaun’s grouping).
- Exception: Share of shipments with the status Exception (according to Unifaun’s grouping.
- Carrier: Number different carriers and services used. Link to the Carrier sheet.
- Type: Mode/Carrier/Service sized by number of shipments. Drill down.
- Currency: Selection of a specific currency. Select to turn on total cost.
- Total cost: Total calculated cost for shipments with a tariff in the selected currency (no conversion from other currencies)