You can create templates with default information so you do not need to fill in the same information every time you make a new shipment. This will simplify the registration of new shipments and you can create several different templates for different types of shipments.
You can customize your template by hiding the sections you do not need and thus control what the Create Consignment page should look like and what fields should appear. You can configure in the template which sections of the page should be minimized and which should be expanded by clicking the -/+ sign to the left of the title in each section.
Creating a template
- Go to Your account > Template.
- Click the Add button.
- Give the template a name and an optional description. If you want the template to be fixed with no possibility to change any of the preset values, check the option It should not be possible to change template.
- In the REFERENCES section, check the options that should be available on the Create Consignment page. If you add a text in the textbox it will be shown as default on the Create Consignment page but it can be changed unless you check the Locked option.
- In the ADDRESSES section you can configure which address types should be available and if each address should be filled in manually or from the address book. You can choose to filter the address book by ID, Name, City, or Country to reduce the number of addresses shown. When the option Locked is checked it is not possible to change the address when creating a shipment.
- In the GOODS ROWS section, you can choose the information that should be available on your shipment. Fill in the text fields and choose a Package type if you want default values prefilled when creating a new shipment. Default values can be still be changed when you create a shipment. Show more fields for goods rows will add additional fields for dangerous goods, customs information, etc. The availability of additional fields depends on the carrier service. Click Add goods row for additional rows.
- Choose a transport product from the available options. If you only have one product this will automatically be used. Once you have made a selection, additional services and other options may become available. This varies depending on the product.
- Specify the freight payer. The options in this section depend on your address and product settings. If you do not want a specific account preselected, choose No preset agreement in the dropdown list. Freight payer is not changeable will lock your selection.
- In the section OTHER SETTINGS you can configure whether it should be possible to book and print a shipment directly from the Create Consignment page. You can also manage the visibility of delivery fields and instructions. The available fields depend on the transport product.
- Choose which sections should be visible and which should be hidden under ADMIN SETTINGS.
- Click Save at the bottom of the page. Your new template is now ready for use and will be available under TEMPLATE INFORMATION on the Create consignment page.