To be able to book and print shipments with FedEx through nShift TMS you must now add some additional credentials to your FedEx-transport agreement. The process of how to do this is explained in the steps below. Please note that you need one key and password for every FedEx account number. Although you only need one key for both Domestic and International Shipping. If any question arises, please contact nShift TMS customer service.
- Go to the FedEx Developer Resources Center (DRC) (FedEx US website). If you are not logged in yet, please log in with your normal credentials, or if you do not have one, create a login. Any login for can be used.
- After login, please click on FedEx Web Service > FedEx Web Services Overview. Here you will see an overview of the various stages required to go through the testing and certification for FedEx Web Services.
- Click on “Get production key” and follow the guide. You can also reach the guide by clicking this link:
- Complete the following page as below and click Continue.
- Accept the License Agreement.
- Complete the registration page with your FedEx Account Number and other details. Please note that the phone number should start with a + in front of the country code. The details on this page MUST match the details FedEx has on your account number in the FedEx systems. In case of issues, double-check the address details with your FedEx sales representative. Click Continue to complete the registration.
- You will now see your Production credentials on screen. Please copy/paste and save your Production Authentication Key and Meter Number (not as a screenshot as FedEx need to receive these details in plain text for activation). You will also receive an email to the address used in the registration containing the Production Password. Please save this email.
- Lastly, you need to inform your FedEx salesperson to request activation/enablement of production credentials. You will need to provide your Production Authentication Key and Meter Number. FedEx Sales creates an internal “iSell” request, advising that you want to start shipping via a “TPP” (Third Party Provider, nShift TMS in this case). All details must be included in the request, including the Production Authentication Key and Meter Number.
- Once the production credentials have been enabled by FedEx you need to add them to your existing FedEx transport agreement in nShift TMS in the fields highlighted below. The field Sender e-mail address is not required but optional.