It is possible to create and assign your own events in Portal. An event is the current status of a shipment like "Loaded on truck", "Out for delivery", "Delivered" etc.
Many carriers support return data to Portal and you may get the current shipment status automatically from the carrier but not all carriers support this. You may also have your own processes that require other events than those received from your carriers.
In this article you will learn how to:
Create your own events in nShift Portal
- Go to nShift Portal and sign in. (You must have an "owner" user profile to create events in nShift Portal).
- Click on Settings in the top right corner.
- Go to SHIPMENT STATUS > Event register in the menu on the left side.
- The page will say No data to show if you have no existing events. Click the New event button to start creating an event.
- Start by naming the event. When assigned to a shipment, the name will be displayed in the Events tab and in the Current Status column in your reports.
- Fill in Code. This is a mandatory field that serves as a unique identifier in the database. You can fill in anything as long as it's not identical to a code used for another event. Custom code 1 and Custom code 2 are optional and can be filled in if needed. They are generic codes that can be connected to the event. This can be useful if you are exporting data back to your ERP or WMS.
- Select a Status. This will be visible on the shipment. Some events are used when shipments are in progress and some events indicate that a shipment has been delivered. Exceptions can be used for tracking events like "Damaged", "Misplaced" etc. A Carrier Exception can be events like "Failed to deliver", "Delivered late" etc. Events with the Info status will be shown in the info tab in the tracking history on a shipment. Info can be used for events such as "POD available" or "Customs Clearance OK".
- Set the SLA Status. This is used if you want to measure the delivery time for a carrier. If a shipment is "Closed" it means it is delivered to the receiver.
- Check Private if the event is not relevant for the receiver but only has internal value for the sender. An event marked as private will not be shown in an anonymous shipment search or a URL sent to the receiver. It will only be visible when logged in to nShift Portal.
- Click Save to save the event. Click on an existing event at any time to edit or delete it. An event is deleted by checking the Delete checkbox. It will still be visible on the list when sorting deleted events.
Example showing a list of different events and shipment statuses:
Assign an event to a shipment
- Click on the shipment you want to assign an event to.
- Click the edit icon in the Shipment status section of the shipment viewer to open the events drop-down at the top.
- Select the relevant event and click Save.
- The event is now visible on the shipment.