1 Services
1.1 New services
1.1.1 APC UK
APC UK has been added with the transport services Liquid product by 10, Liquid product by 12, Liquid product by 16, Saturday Liquid product by 10 and Saturday Liquid product by 12.
Jira reference UA-7387
1.1.2 DHL Freight DE
DHL Freight Germany has been added with the transport services DHL Euroconnect Export, Import and Domestic DE, DHL Euroline Export, Import and Domestic DE.
Jira reference UA-7456
1.2 Updates
1.2.1 DHL
- Adjusted the label for Parcel Connect in accordance to the latest specification.
- We have added the additional service Direct Signature (Mottagarsignatur) for MyDHL products.
- Issues with the routing barcode for DHL Parcel Connect Plus label have been corrected.
- Updates to communication files where the ordering of the cancel character came in the wrong order for DHL Freight IFTMBFs when pickup-/delivery-instructions were too long to be contained in one segment, causing the file transfer to fail.
Jira reference UA-7642, UA-7637, UA-7606, UA-7619 & UA-7641
1.2.2 DHL Global Freight
We have created new services for DGF Sweden using our latest product framework. The new products will replace deprecated products.
Jira reference UA-6960
1.2.3 GLS PL
Updates to the BusinessParcel ShopReturnService and EuroBusinessParcel ShopReturnService services.
Jira reference UA-7648
1.2.4 PostNord
- Added support to select “Parcel box” as an option for additional service "Optional service point" for transport service PostNord SE MyPack Collect.
- Fixed a bug where some PostNord shipments would receive an update to the ETA with every received status event, even though the actual ETA was not changed.
Jira reference UA-7652 & UA-7527
1.2.5 Schenker NO
Updates to contents of communication files in accordance with the latest carrier specifications.
Jira reference UA-7628
1.2.6 UPS
Added the ability to enter "Declaration Statement" for new UPS products implemented in TMS using latest UPS REST API for dutiable shipments.
Jira reference UA-7611
1.3 Carriers/Services for specific shippers
1.3.1 Raben Group
New Shipper Defined Service implemented for specific customer.
Jira reference UA-7626
1.3.2 DSV
Existing Shipper Defined Service updated for specific customer.
Jira reference UA-7643
2 Features
2.1 Updates to price query mapping
Price query mapping for transport product PostNord NO Part Loads added for Libello.
Jira reference UA-7536
2.2 Customer specific changes
Changes to a number of customer specific documents, the transport agreement GUI and to the setup of a customer’s event rules.
Jira reference UA-7610, UA-7644, UA-7523 & UA-7462
3 Quality improvements
3.1 Maintenance
3.1.1 Price query updates
Preparations for the updated credential requirements when using DHL Freight as the price provider in price queries.
Jira reference UA-7679
3.1.2 Internal improvements and updates
General maintenance and back office improvements.
Jira reference UA-7506, UA-7661 & UA-7597