You can create Checkout groups to direct traffic to different Checkout configurations based on custom rules. This is useful for complex setups with multiple rules and delivery options, making it easier to manage traffic and language settings. With Groups it is easy to change your Checkout setup if you want to offer free shipping or limit delivery options during a specific campaign period. No developer resources are needed to update your Checkout when the campaign begins and ends.
This article will look at three different use cases for Groups and how to set them up.
- Use Case 1: Black Week campaign
- Use Case 2: Multiple countries
- Use Case 3: Integration with multiple brands
- Update your Connection to use a Group
Use Case 1: Black Week campaign
Company X wants to offer free shipping to parcel shops during Black Week. They want to prepare everything well in advance of the campaign. By creating a separate Checkout configuration and directing the traffic using a Group, they do not need to make any code changes to their Checkout during Black Week.
Follow these steps to set up this example:
- Start by creating a new Checkout configuration with the settings required for the campaign (free shipping to parcel shops) - see the guide here.
- Go to Groups in the top menu and click Create new group.
- Fill in Name and choose a Member account from the drop-down list.
- Add an optional description to remember the purpose of the Group.
- Select the default configuration.
- Select date from the Parameters drop-down list.
- Click Add new segmentation and specify the time when traffic should be directed to a different configuration. In this example, when the date is greater than or equal to November 23, 2024, and the date is less than or equal to December 1, 2024, traffic is directed to the Campaign Checkout configuration. This is the configuration created especially for campaigns in step 1.
- Click Continue.
- Click Save to save the Group.
Example showing the entire configuration:
Use Case 2: Multiple countries
Company Y is a Swedish company with an international webshop. They have an advanced checkout configuration with several languages, delivery options and multiple rules. They have just opened a Danish webshop and want to avoid having to add Danish language, carriers and currency to their current configuration. Instead they create a new Checkout configurations with the Danish settings and use Groups to direct Danish customers to this configuration.
Follow these steps to set up this example:
- Start by creating a new Checkout configuration with the delivery options required for the Danish webshop. See the guide here.
- Go to Groups in the top menu and click Create new group.
- Fill in Name and choose a Member account from the drop-down list.
- Add an optional description to remember the purpose of the Group.
- Select the default configuration.
- Select from_country from the Parameters drop-down list.
- Click Add new segmentation and specify that when the from_country is equal to Denmark then the Webshop Denmark configuration should be used.
- Click Continue.
- Click Save to save the Group.
Example showing the entire configuration:
Use case 3: Integration with multiple brands
Company Z owns multiple brands with different web shops and checkout flows. They want to keep the integration to nShift Checkout as simple as possible so they use a Group to route the traffic to different Checkout configurations based on a custom parameter.
Follow these steps to set up this example:
- Start by creating the different Checkout configurations needed - one for each brand. See the guide here.
- Go to Groups in the top menu and click Create new group.
- Fill in Name and choose a Member account from the drop-down list.
- Add an optional description to remember the purpose of the Group.
- Select the default configuration.
- Select Add custom parameter from the Parameters drop-down list and give it a name, e.g. "Brands".
- Click Add new segmentation and specify the value for the custom parameter that will route traffic to a certain checkout configuration. In this example, a condition is created for each brand. If the custom parameter "Brands" is equal to "Brand A" then use the Brand A checkout configuration. If the custom parameter "Brands" is equal to "Brand B" then use the Brand B checkout configuration, and if "Brands" is equal to Brand C then use the Brand C checkout configuration.
- Click Continue to save each condition.
- Click Save to save the Group.
Example showing the entire configuration:
Update your Connection to use a Group
If you are using the Checkout API, your requests contain a Connection ID to identify your Checkout configuration. To use a Group in your current integration, you simply point your connection to a Group. This is easily done in the user interface and requires no code changes.
- Go to Connections in the top menu.
- Click the three-dots menu next to the Connection used by your integration and choose Edit.
- Make sure the Configuration field is set to --Select a checkout configuration-- and select the Group to be used from the Group drop-down list.
- Click Save. The Connection ID will now point to the Group instead.