It is easy to show the estimated delivery times (ETA) in your Checkout. The feature can be turned on and off for each delivery option.
The calculation is based on sending and receiving postal codes and the date and/or time of shipping. Some carriers support sending ETA information via web services. For carriers not supporting this, you can add your own estimated delivery times.
Activate ETA:
- Go to Delivery options in the sidebar menu of your checkout configuration and click on the delivery option you want to update.
- Under Carrier service, check the box next to Show delivery times. Note that not all carriers/carrier services support calculated delivery times.
- Under Estimated delivery times you have the option to configure more settings.
- Cut-off time: time when the number of days starts counting. If the order was made before cut-off time, the current date will count as one day.
- Number of days to pack: default is 0 but you can add additional days here that will be added to the total delivery time.
- Weekends and Holidays: If checked, additional days will be added for weekends and holidays.
- Transit days: If the carrier sends ETA data, you can select Use estimated delivery times from carrier. Note that not all carriers support this. You can also specify a fixed number of days.
- Click Save. You can preview your changes in the widget.
(Important: The prices and carriers shown are for illustration purposes only and do not reflect any real prices).