We recommend making regular backups of nShift On-premises. If the server has a crash, you can use the backup to move the installation to a new server. Read more about moving nShift On-premises here..
NB: If restoring/moving nShift On-premises with an old backup you need new shipment numbers. Contact nShift Customer Service by creating a request.
How to make a backup of nShift On-premises:
- In nShift On-premises, go to File > Backup and Shrink in the top menu.
- Choose the path where you want your backup. It is recommended to use another hard drive or another computer to store the backup. When the path is specified you can click Save to save the path or use the Backup button to take a backup at once. (Note: If the SQL user in server.ini is not a sysadmin, it is not possible to browse the folders on the c drive. In this case, enter the path instead.)
Making a scheduled backup of nShift On-premises
You can schedule backups of nShift On-premises.
- Go to File > Backup and Shrink in the top menu.
- Select the Schedule tab and click New. Set the day and time for your backup and choose if it should be recurrent.
- Click Save to save your settings.
We recommend setting the Database Recovery model to Simple when using the nShift software to back up the database. Check with your IT department before making any changes to the backup configuration as it depends on what version of SQL you are running.
Never make changes if you are not familiar with the difference between a full and simple recovery model. Read more about recovery models here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/recovery-models-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver15
You can also make backup in SQL Server Management Studio.