It is easy to change the units of measurement used in nShift On-premises. You can change the units used for viewing shipments or for producing shipments.
Changing the units in Shipment View
If you change the units in Shipment View, you will only change the units displayed on existing shipments, not the units used when making new shipments.
- Open a shipment and go to Options > Formats.
- In the Formats window, choose the units you want to use in the Shipment view and click OK.
- Your selected units will now be displayed on the shipment.
Changing the units in Production View
Changing the units of measurement in the production view will only affect the units used in this view, not in Shipment View or your import setup.
- Go to Main > Production.
- Right-click the field on the goods line for which you want to change the unit of measurement and choose Field properties. In this example, we will change the unit of weight.
- Go to the Formatting tab and select the desired unit of measurement. If you check Show unit, the unit of measurement will be displayed in the Weight field on the goods line.
- Click OK to save.
- The selected unit is now used. Repeat the procedure for other fields.